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    Discord: (Jaslaw) onon#0560
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using something that you know OOC IC or doing something becouse of OOC things (like a friend killed you OOC and youre still mad IC etc.)
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming can constitute two different things - the first is doing things unrealistic to your character (dodging every attack, doing things your character is unable to do) or forcing an action or emote on to somebody without giving them a chance to defend it.
    Status: Accepted

He would probobly look pretty confused at first especialy looking at how the person is dressed. Noticeing that guy probobly has monay and is from around ther he would probobly ask him about why does he even whant to know that also adding that he is a traveling mercenary with his friends. He would also for sure ask about the city to get to know more information, knowing wher he could go to stay for the time he is in the city and if ther is something intresting to do in general should be nice for sure after all. Ofcorse he wouldnt fully trust the guy too becouse he seems kind of shady, but the guy seems like a good oportunity to learn more about the city and maby get a job  looking at what questions the guys asked when asking why he visited the city.

So something like this,

Onon- He would looking a bit confused at first but after looking a bit at the person he would just ask Why do you ask? Also adding "I am a traveling mercenary with my friend."
The person- Just curiosity my friend, it can get a bit boreing around sometimes.
Onon- Fair enoth, well do you happen to know wher I could find a tavern or in general a place to stay for awhile while I am in the city? Also, is it really that boreing around here? I dubth ther would be nothing to do in a city as big as this one, any intresting places or alike?
The person- Well you might find a tavern somewher in the city center for sure. Just follow the main road that way
Would point behind him "And you will find it, about any intresting places tho I do say the city center has a lot to offer but the docks have a lot of travelers so might be nice to go around here too sometimes.
Onon- Mhm, thank you very much my name is Onon by the way if you would ever need any help with anything you should probobly be able to find me in one of the taverns. At least in the near futture.
The person- Aldon.
would smile lightly at him "Nice to meet you and I will keep that in mind for sure.
Onon- Very well then, I will be on my way now tho I have to find my friend and also find a tavern to stay at for a bit. See you around Aldon
would smile back and go away waveing at him unless stoped
iAldon- See you around. *would wave back also going away

Character Name: Onon
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: 5'8 feet tall wood elf with light brown hair and dark brown eyes, wearing green cloaths made for traveling mostly being pretty much averyge
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great!

You’ll be given 24 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me!

Whenever you are done, or have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums, or in-game with /message Melpomenne. If I’m not around there, you can add me on discord at minty#8400


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If you need to contact me, or need help,  you can join the LotC Discord here : https://discord.gg/fwEQA2F


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Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in game by doing /msg Soothsay, or if I’m not online, you can find me on Discord Pan#9864. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do...

/creq [message]

… along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!

After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

/creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


I highly recommend you join the LotC Discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide!


Lastly, For guides, tutorials, and how to request help from a CT member, please head to the New Player Hub found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193743-new-player-hub/  


In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides. Below, I’ve linked the settlements you may be interested in based on your character’s race. 



If you aren’t interested in any of those, take a look at our Settlement Guide Hub!





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