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420 Incredible

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    (Jaslaw) onon#0560
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    Wood Elf

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  1. ((Would be good to add who can and cant see the prophecy I think but noice))
  2. +1 Cooked with this post, give me more cool shinies man
  3. Dracanium fan #1

  4. OOC Name: _April0_ IC Name: Onon Vershar Kervallen Bid: 7000 Mina
  5. Alright not going to argue that then and just +1 from me! Could consider changing out ''emotes'' to ''spells'' or alike so theres no confused goobers like me but you should be fine with this all
  6. If I got it wrong and its 5 spell casts and not 5 emotes of casting which goes to 2-3 casts before exhoustion then its better, still little if you want to be doing some more flavore stuff too but it should be better yea! [Even if the wording of ''emotes'' does point to how I got it]
  7. The only issue I have with the lore is that after you cast anything two times you can no longer really follow up the fight- 5 total emotes casting before halfed movement is just terrible in my opinion so -1 from that? It aside +1 its cool and druids need a rewrite
  8. Certain onion proceeds to start nudging A'lia with the misive knowing full well she made cool plushies and more... Maybe he could do some wood working stuff as well? @Myrthe
  9. "...How convinient the humans realise the fakeness of their hollyness only after the wars are over. Regardless, better late then never. Let us hope for the horrors of the void or whatever they are to bleed in time." Mused the wood elf upone having read text. Shaking his head gently, but glad it was bound to be handled... shall people be reached by this call.
  10. CALLED OUT A HAPPY WOOD ELF THAT JUST MIGHT HAVE HELPED THIS MAN ALMOST DROWN A DWARF WHILE TESTING DIVING GEAR only to add in- "Yea thats some cool stuff right here sign me up." Heading off to send his letter
  11. "Lets see how many people will care, the reasons of the war are mearly excuses to gain power, after all." *Mused out the elf with a shake of his head. Not sure if much will change*
  12. "Shame. Less men right infront of the wartime." *Clicked his tongue a wood elf which was not too found of the decision. Yet in the end he bobed his head* "Perhaps aaun will not send a few trops that they posses over. That much is good, even if I doubth it will be of matter seeing Aauns lack of training and manpower as a whole. Time will tell."
  13. "And so, the mercenaries flip sides again... Oh well. Its just a few fleepers." *Mused out the Wood elf, having expected for that to happen at one point or another anyways* "At least the church cant be mad at us anymore. We have never really paid for them they just kinda showed up staring doing shiet, meanwhile the Orcs are straight up paying them for what they do."
  14. "Should have destroyed the Orcs while we had the chance after the veletz war, real shame we haven't. We just have to Hope people dont forget of who the Orcs fought for, and who they are."
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