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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: topg.org
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: The use of out-of-character knowledge in a roleplay situation.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Emoting on behalf of other characters.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Malus Furcifer
Character Race: Dark Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 146
Physical Description: Malus' threatening presence is aided by his charcoal black skin and hair, with piercing red eyes. He is not as muscular as most elves, however.
Screenshot of Skin:

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I just realized I wasn't logged into my account when I posted the application, and that I'm pretty sure it'll immediately deny it since it was posted under a guest's 'profile'... May I also ask if the quality of the screenshot is good enough, or should I change it to an in-game screenshot if I have to redo it?

Edited by Kanokill
I forgot to ask a question that I believe I need the answer to.
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Changed Status to Under Review

Your application has been...


-Your screenshot is fine, as it is understandable. It is alright that you were not logged into your account, we do not deny guest accounts unless they have things that need to be changed but being a guest does not mean immediate denial c:



-Congratulations on the acceptance of your application, if you need any help from me please feel free to message me on the forums, on discord BritBritt#1506 (the second brit has a second t), or in game /msg Cosmetology.


-If you need further help feel free to use OOC chat, /h to access our help chat, or for more pressing issues use /modreq to get in touch with a GM.


-Happy Roleplaying and I hope to see you playing soon c:

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