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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is asking for help outside of the roleplay game for example, calling your irl fiends while being raided is metagaming since you are basically not following basic rolelay rules
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming/Power-emoting is doing an action that is impossible inside of a certain game, so for example, breaking a bone in Super Mario
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Vanautras
Character Race: Dark Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 57
Physical Description: Vanautras Nightblade is a short Dark Elf that always has a smile on his face, he is extreemely cautious in battle im 6 feet 2 inches.
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Changed Status to Under Review


Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

  • Leyu’celia is not the current Dark Elf settlement. You’ll need to change that bit of your biography. 
  • This is not your character, however it seems it may be a friend of yours. But you may not start out with ANY knowledge of how to wield magic. You must find a teacher in game willing to teach you how to use it. So you’ll need to change that piece of your bio as well. 


This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/JzbhzCH


Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

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Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord:https://discord.gg/JzbhzCH  

Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my McName is: EtherealPvP.

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