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    Anastas of The North
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  1. Anastas


    Necror Nightblade, Vanautras Nightblade, Vules Nightblade and Valit Nightblade are siblings that used to belong to the Stormarrow family. They were adopted at a young age and quickly made bonds with this family. Necror was highly skilled in using daggers and is the sneakiest of the 4 brothers, Vanautras has the sight of a hawk and is able to hit his target with his longbow, Valit was the strongest out of all of them, he carried a Broadsword able to pierce any set of armour with his strength, last but not least, Vules is a spearman that uses his spear as a ranged weapon or as a melee weapon. Together they were unstoppable but one day they discovered the reason why they were orphans. The Stormarrow family together with the Trinity family had killed all the Nightblade family members for helping the Dak´ir banish them. the boys were too young but they received a letter from an anonymous elf and started to explore, when they found out what happened and that their family really had been killed off they took up their old family name and swore vengance on the Stormarrow family and the Dark Trinity, fighting for justice and vengeance they reside in the outskirts of Ker´nor. Vanautras always spent his time reading and learning about the world he always wanted to see it with his eyes and that is his mission. But one night as they were taking a stroll throught the forest they were ambushed, knocked out and stripped of their equipment forcing them to start anew...
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