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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-mp.com
    Discord: Kerk #7832
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using your irl experience while you role shouldn't have that experience or knowledge. Having an ability you shouldn't realistically have in the specific role
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is defined by a scenario where your or another character is suddenly carrying out an unrealistic or unfair action. With unrealistic is meant that the character performing it, shouldn’t have it or didn’t have it before the scenario started. Thi
    Status: Accepted

Naldriël reacts surprised, normally humans steer clear from him and his hooded face. He likes to go as unnoticed as possible when he makes his visits to the shops. Apparently that didn't work in this town he visited for the first time. 


After a silence that feels like a life time, Naldriël responds with a simple ‘I’ve got game to sell’, and hastily walks away into the anonymity of the crowd before the gentleman can even respond.


Naldriël hates when strangers try to make sudden contact, the last time he trusted a random stranger, it ended badly. He got robbed of the little to no things he had with him. He sighs in relief as he passes through the crowd, towards the, what seems to be local leather craftsman, hoping he would be interested in buying some of the pelts he collected while hunting.



Character Name: Naldriël Cellindir
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 59
Physical Description: Naldriël is short for an Elf only reaching up to 5 feet (1,52 m). Slender, agile, golden/blonde hair (typical for Elfs). Hunting gear, light weight.
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Hello Korsow61! Your application has been placed under review for the following reasons;


  • Definition of power-gaming is incorrect. You may check out LotC’s definition of both terms to get a better understanding, https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming
  • Please add at least [1] piece of lore into your character biography. Your two references of ‘Caras Galadhon’ and ‘Bree’ are Lord of the Ring references, not to be mistaken with Lord of the Craft. Lord of the Craft has it’s own lore and story being told. Things such as race and general names of cities or people do not count. Linked is the wiki page for the server lore, to help aid you in adding to your biography! 

You have 24 hours to make such edits. If you need any further assistance, below I linked the new player discord as well as the wiki. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me on the forums, or discord: Carol#7747 




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Hello Korsow61! Your application has been placed under review for the following reasons;


You have 24 hours to make such edits. If you need any further assistance, below I linked the new player discord as well as the wiki. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me on the forums, or discord: Carol#7747 




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I see my definition can't fit in the submission box so here it is:

Powergaming is defined by a scenario where your or another character is suddenly carrying out an unrealistic or unfair action. With unrealistic is meant that the character performing it, shouldn’t have it or didn’t have it before the scenario started. Things like “Hey this castle wall is in front of us, ‘Don’t worry’ said the dwarf, ‘I’ll just jump over it with my super strong jumping strength’”. Essentially lore breaking things.


Edited by Korsow61
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Korsow61, I am pleased to welcome you to The Isles of Arcas! 


We strongly suggest joining the LotC new player discord, where you may meet current players in the community as well as have any of your questions answered by the Community Team. In addition, we encourage new players to review the new player guide. During your time here, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to PM me on the forums or on discord: Carol#7747


Upon your arrival into the server, you may be greeted by a Monk of the Wilven Sanctuary at the Cloud Temple. They will help guide you on your journey.


Enjoy your time in Arcas! 


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