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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Kuborex#8032
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Its using a knowledge you gained ooc icly

    Example: Getting information about some event that happened without player being there icly, then using that knowledge irp
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?:
    Instantly avoiding you'r opponents action during combat and/or emoting things that enemy characters are not able to avoid

    Example: endlesly dodging and then killing your opponent in one hit without giving him a chance do defend
    Status: Accepted

”Well, depends what i can do here" He’d grin, moving closer to stranger, offering him a handshake “ Could ye tell me about that place,eh?“  Andriej would start conversation with a guy, asking him about various things, from the most basic like history of  setlement to more specific things, like names or wealthy people around.  After going their seperate ways, Andriej would get to the safe distance, examining goods he managed to ‘borrow‘ from stranger ‘‘And to think im not done here yet“ he mumbles to himself, already planing another action

Character Name: Andriej Ivanovich
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: Andriej is a skinny man with a brown coat and rusty chain mail. He has light brown hair and dark brown eyes with circles under them from lack of sleep
Screenshot of Skin:

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Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in-game by doing /msg PanchoII, or if I’m not online, you can find me on Discord Pancho#2619. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do...

/creq [message]

… along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!

After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

/creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


I highly recommend you join the LotC Discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide!


Lastly, For guides, tutorials, and how to request help from a CT member, please head to the New Player Hub found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193743-new-player-hub/


In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides. Below, I’ve linked the settlements you may be interested in based on your character’s race. 



If you aren’t interested in any of those, take a look at our Settlement Guide Hub!


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