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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Kuro #6490
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using knowledge as a player to RP your character, ending up with the character seemingly knowing information that the character was not supposed to have.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Doing physically or mentally impossible feats for your character's curent state, or even forcing actions upon someone in or out of combat
    Status: Accepted

He'd take in a deep breath, exhaling shortly after as he glanced around the new location where he had just arrived, taking in various sightings before turning his glare towards the gentleman. He'd lightly lift his lower arm, waving at the man in front of himself with a bland look on his face, before proceeding to answer to the gentleman's question with a rather monotone voice

"Greetings, sir. I've been on a long, and weary journey, in search of a specific thing around all Arcas and my attention happened to be drawn to the beauty of this city. I was also curious whether if I could sell stuff I have collected on my way here?"

Character Name: Sul'tir Morfiel
Character Race: High Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 79
Physical Description: Sul'Tir is tall, has purple small eyes and medium sized close to white hair. He wears a weary armor, covered by a cloak from the shoulder to the neck.
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✿You’re On the right track!  just a few things you need to change!

✿Your Persona age is something you might want to change to under 200, as Players may reference things you have no knowledge of which will get confusing. Try keeping it from anywhere 60-100.

You only have 24 Hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes, you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord. Discord:Tigergiri#0744  Im always happy to help!


The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our   LOTC Discord Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.




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On behalf of the server and Community Team members, I’d like to welcome you to LOTC! As soon as this is posted, you should be whitelisted onto the server. Contact me or make an /creq if there are any issues with whitelisting or similar.


Feel free to browse the Wiki, and you can also join our  LOTC Discord  which is a wonderful place where you can ask questions to our various staff teams, meet other server players, and learn about new roleplay opportunities for all character races! The lotc discord is a great help in getting you situated into our server.


I hope you enjoy your time on the server, and if you ever have any questions or need help please feel free to contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Tigergiri#0744), or by /msg Tigergiri in-game. 

Upon your arrival to Arcas, the monks from Cloud Temple will be there to guide you towards your desired destiny. 


Happy roleplaying!


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