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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    Discord: Lumine#4200
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: using real life knowledge to decide things for their character despite their character not knowing said things.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: using lore or game mechanics for an unfair advantage.
    Status: Accepted

*Umbra takes a few steps to the right to avoid the other passengers, then peers at the well dressed gentleman with curiosity and speaks*


"I'm sorry! I didn't quite catch what you asked. What was it?"


*He tilts his head a bit in confusion, then turns his ear toward the man and lets him repeat himself*


"Ah yes! I'm new to the area. Hoping to find some work in the area so I can afford it. Do you know anywhere I can look for a job?"


*Umbra sways slowly from side to side while waiting for a response*

Character Name: Umbra Vah Medoh
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: Tall and lean Half elf with albinism standing at 6'1 and weighing in about 160lbs. He has pale skin, amber colored eyes, and shoulder length hair
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great!

  • Your Roleplay Scenario Response is a bit short. Please add more to your response
  • Your Skin is not up to LotC standards. Please take a look at our Skin Archive for references and free skins that you may use if you’d like.


You’ll be given 24 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me!

Whenever you are done, or have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums, or in-game with /message Blake0205. If I’m not around there, you can add me on discord at Blake0205#7006


If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI

If you need to contact me, or need help,  you can join the LotC Discord here 

: https://discord.gg/lotc

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