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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using something your character is not suppose to in game.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: powergaming is making a choice to someone elses character without their consent or doing something unrealistic for your character
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Felix
Character Race: Dark Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 101
Physical Description: Black and white ombre hair down and messy, dusty grey skin, 5''10 170 pounds, very tall and fit build.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Your application has been placed under pending for the following reasons -

- Please reword your definition for metagaming, unless you're trying to say that "something your character is not supposed to know in game"

- Perhaps try to explain why your persona's father was never around? Dark Elves typically value their family highly, so why is it that the father was not present?

- I'd advise against the assassin bit, I'd also advise something more realistic 

- Clarify the "put her love into a heartlander" part, as in she loves that heartlander or simply loves him as a friend?

- Why is it that your persona became friends with a Human and not an Elf instead? Where did they both meet and interact?

- Perhaps also explain where and how your persona learned to forge weapons

- Dark Elves cannot have blonde hair, which is what the skin you've provided appears to have

- You can say that they have purely white hair or simply say it is dyed blonde as ombre does not fit with the lore 


You'll have 24 hours to make the needed changes. If you think you may need additional time for whatever reason, don't hesitate to inform me and I will be more than happy to give you extra time. If you have questions regarding the server lore (the forums and wiki are great for finding information) feel free to let me or another AT member know. 

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Metagaming - Something the character is not suppose to know in the roleplay, but still uses anyways.

The father was a one night stand, and is unaware about Felix.

Nicknamed: Bandit of the Night.

She put her love into him as a friend, but has some form of feelings for him. The character is unaware of that.

Felix met Tylon when she was traveling by his village, she was very intimidated and tried to attack him, she was unaware of how strong he was and was able to stop her. Tied her up and had a conversation with her, the've been friends to this day.

Her persona learned to forge weapons through someone in the village who helped trained her as a fighter, they figured she should have other set skills besides that.

The hair was suppose to be white, my apologies.

And I'm curious if the elves can have the split hair? That's a family thing. if not her hair is purely white, the black side is dyed with a mixture of berries.


Thank you so much!

- Mackiee.


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Regarding the hair bit, they can't as their hair will be a pure color. So the dyed with berries part is fine. Other than that -




Welcome to the server! You'll be whitelisted soon enough. Until then, I'd just continue looking through the forums and read some of the posts: in particular the posts that have to do with the Dark Elves so you can better familiarize yourself with their general lore and culture. I'd also highly recommend joining this chat if you have discord, https://discord.gg/BPcyq9: Here you can ask questions and there'll be multiple people who can help answer. Once you've been whitelisted and create your persona, I'd recommend taking your time to understand how the role-play chat mechanics work in Cloud Temple and just get a solid grasp of RP in general there. Once again if you've got questions, don't hesitate to let me or another AT know!


I'll be looking forward to seeing you in-game.



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