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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: miho47dwa#7648
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out of character knowledge in character. For instance, calling someone a thief iRP using information you found on discord rather than in character
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Doing overpowered or irrational actions with abilities your character does not possess. For instance, stating that your character cannot be hit any weapons and can kill anyone just by looking at them. Another example would be saying that your character co
    Status: Accepted

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond.

“I come to seek work as a mercenary,” he said with a confident smile on his face. “I have much fighting experience in the past, have my own arms and armor, and will protect any client to my last breath as long as our contract lasts.

Character Name: Thorgrim Atlisson
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 22
Physical Description: 2.07 m tall. 115kg. Has a lean, muscular build allowing him to be both quick and powerful in his movements. Wears his blonde hair in a braid. Green ey
Screenshot of Skin:

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Welcome to LotC! Upon setting your application to accepted you should be automatically white-listed on the server. Should there be issues with your white-listing, please contact me through the forums or discord (TwistedFries#1055)


You are encouraged to join our New Player Discord to meet current players and to ask our Community Team Members any questions you might have. You are also encouraged to read out the New Player Guide, which provides detailed information about LotC roleplay itself. Should you need help at any point in the future, remember to contact me through my forums account or discord. You can also issue /creq on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

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