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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Connoroni#4193
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Gaining an unfair advantage by making use of knowledge that the player has but the character doesn't or shouldn't have.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Prioritising having a powerful character over having interesting or consistent roleplay, especially by treating other players/characters unfairly in roleplay.
    Status: Accepted

Fredman placed his hands on his hips and looked up at the man with a smile. "Hello, friend!" he replied, "I've got nothing as grand as all that planned. Just lookin' to do some honest work and get some honest pay."  He pondered something for a moment then continued with a grin and a hearty chuckle, "Actually, first order of business ought to be to get a warm bed and warmer liquor.  Know anywhere good around here?"

Character Name: Fredman Buckley
Character Race: Halfling
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 49
Physical Description: Fredman is a halfling of average height, around 3’1”. He is quite bulky and strong for his size, but not athletic. He has quite messy ginger hair.
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Hi! As you can see, your application has been accepted! Well done on your application! So now, I welcome you to the wonderful community of LotC! 


Confusing Rules: This rule just means that if you are not actively taking part in the PVP at hand, you must stay as far away from such as you can so that you don't end up interfering with the combat in any way! If you're still confused on this rule, feel free to send me a message and I can try to explain it better!


To get started, I suggest doing: /creq Can a CT Monk come to assist me with starting out please? - once you are on the server! 


Also, here are some links you may find useful while starting out!: 





Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums, my discord [ audyush#7358 ], in-game with /message audyush to find me in-game, or you can also use /creq in-game and myself or my fellow CT members can help you that way! 


If I'm not around, you can also use the LotC Discord, which is right here! 



Lastly, for guides, tutorials, and how to request help from a CT Member, please head to the New Player Hub found here: 



Have a great time roleplaying, and I look forward to seeing you around in the future! 



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