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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: planetminecraft.com
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out of character knowledge to inform in character decisions. Taking obscure lore from the wiki and using it to make decisions would be an example of this since it is unlikely your character is aware of this lore unless the discovered it through role
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Performing unfair actions that either do not make sense within the bounds of the role play, or force something upon another character.
    Status: Accepted

**As soon as Perrin sees the well dressed gentleman he switches to his likable business man persona, he says in a jovial tone of voice, “I have come here to this splendorous city of yours to make a honest living and sell quality wares to gentle folks such as you good sir”

Character Name: Perrin Tosscobble
Character Race: Halfling
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 33
Physical Description: He is about 3 ft tall, he has brown hair a lean build and he has Heterochromia iridium with one eye being blue. He also wears a greenish-brown coat
Screenshot of Skin:

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Ayo! Thank you for applying to Lord of the Craft. After reviewing your application,

I’ve picked out a few things that may need to be changed to pass our application process.


You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.


  • You mention your character has heard of Voidal Magics. We ask, whenever you apply, that your character does not posses the knowledge and/or use of any magical subject.

  • Your roleplay response needs dialogue, not just an action. You may use the example for reference to format your response.



When you have made the changes, feel free to leave a comment

on this page,or contact me through discord at @frog#0483. If you require further

assistance, contact me or any Community Staff Member found

in our New Player Discord.

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Welcome to Lord of the Craft!  

I sincerely hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your

 application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

 If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on

 discord at @frog#0483.

 If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member 

and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with  LoTC with the following command.

 Run this command as soon as you get in so that we can acclimate you as soon as possible. 

/creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?


  • We encourage new players to join our New Player Discord so that you can meet current players and ask our Community Team any questions you currently have.

  • It’s also very helpful to read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels. This guide contains prevalent and detailed information about roleplay and other mechanics of the game.

  • As an additional bonus, as per your character’s race, check out your race’s nations on  Nations and Major Charters, we also encourage you to check out our Settlement Guides for other places you may be interested in.


 Should you require any further assistance at any time in the future, 

contact me on discord at @frog#0483. You may issue a /creq [message] 

on the server to open a Community Staff Ticket.

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