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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: notRussianGG#7794
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Meta-gaming is simply if you use OOC knowledge that your character do not posses to gain advantage, items, anything you really aren't able to obtain in-character. The same goes for people's names etc. Stuff you read OOCly should not be used ICly.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Power-gaming is when you, as a role-player force role-play upon someone without giving them a fair chance to reply to your role-play. It also goes for role-playing things that isn't realistic for your character. This can be strength, endurance, agility an
    Status: Accepted

*Baar would smile to the well-dressed stranger, greating him with a polite nod of his head before saying, “Thank you, but well to answer your question, I’ve yet to make up my mind on that matter.”

Character Name: Baar H'aalor
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 21
Physical Description: Hazel eyes, sunlicked skin. 5'10'' and weighs around 150lbs, seems athletic even though his build is lean. He wears worn-out cloth-like clothes.
Screenshot of Skin:

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NeptionIC, I am pleased to welcome you to The Isles of Arcas! 


Your character biography was very thoroughly developed and intriguing, checking off our requirements and more!

We strongly suggest joining the LotC new player discord, where you may meet current players in the community as well as have any of your questions answered by the Community Team. In addition, we encourage new players to review the new player guide. During your time here, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to PM me on the forums or on discord: Carol#7747


Upon your arrival into the server, you may be greeted by a Monk of the Wilven Sanctuary at the Cloud Temple. They will help guide you on your journey.


Enjoy your time in Arcas! 


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