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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: topg.org
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: using info you got outside your characters life span and using it to help along the way, like this: (after researching orcs, and character has never heard of them) and orc jumps out at me, I stand firm, knowing that i know how to defeat them. (after show
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: when you character does something they physically should not be able to do, here's an example, Adrien runs at the Dwarf, who then jumps 50 feet in the air and does several back and front flips, and lands on his feet.
    Status: Accepted

I look him up and down suspiciously, then roll my eyes. “Let’s go with adventure.” I quickly shove past him, looking at the ground.

Character Name: Eryna Gondoir
Character Race: High Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: pale with white hair and pale purple eyes, self-made brown clothing, malnourished and skinny, 4'9 and 75 lbs
Screenshot of Skin:

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You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


  • Your metagaming definition is a bit vague. Please make corrections to prove you understand the definition. Also, feel free to elaborate on what FailRp is in your own words. If you are in need of assistance with this feel free to use this definition as a reference. Feel free to include an example!

  • Your powergaming definition is vague. Please edit this to prove your understanding and feel free to use this definition on our Wikipedia as a reference! You are welcome to include an example. Feel free to include an example!

  • Your backstory includes a piece of lore from Aegis, which is no longer the realm we are playing on. While golden pools indeed used to be a part of our lore, they are no longer and so I recommend taking a look over the following links in order to replace this piece of lore:


If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at ᴅᴇᴋᴜ | ?#5043


You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!

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You will have 24 hours to make the following changes to your application.


  • Your backstory includes a piece of lore from Aegis, which is no longer the realm we are playing on. While golden pools indeed used to be a part of our lore, they are no longer and so I recommend taking a look over the following links in order to replace this piece of lore:


If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and/or contact me at ᴅᴇᴋᴜ | ?#5043


You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!


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My apologies, you are still lacking a piece of lore to your application though. This is very important as it proves you have taken the time to look through our wikipedia.

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Welcome to Lord of the Craft and congratulations on completing your application! As you have been accepted via your application, your Minecraft account should have automatically been white-listed on the server. Should you have any problems with this please contact me through discord or private messages.


If you believe that you are in need of in-game assistance feel free to run the command /creq [insert whatever it is you are in need of] which will contact me or any of my fellow Community Staff Members who can offer our assistance! I also recommend you ask for help from a Wilven Monk as they would be more than happy to show you around the server and help you get situated.


  • We highly encourage that you read our New Player Guide in order to clarify any potential questions you may have. 

  • As a human character, we recommend you take a look at our Nation & Major Charters Guide which will introduce you to the main locations you are able to find characters the same race as yourself.

  • Finally, take a look at these Human Settlement Guides which will expand upon the other various settlements you are welcome to live in.


Have a great time roleplaying, and I look forward to seeing you around in future! Here is the link to the New Player Discord., it is highly recommended that you join in order to meet other players and ask questions!

If you require any further assistance feel free to contact me through forum private messages or on discord at ᴅᴇᴋᴜ | ?#5043. 

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