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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: metagaming is when someone uses something that an "out of character" person knew but the character in roleplay didnt know
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: powergaming is the act of someone doing something that in reality they unable to do
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Ryia
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Ryia is 5'7 has blonde hair and has blue eyes.she can be sassy but over all she attempts to be nice.
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Hello, my name is Bluee and I'll be the one handling your application. There are a few things wrong with it currently that you’ll need to correct within the next 24 Hours.

  • First, your definition of powergaming is incorrect, but don’t fret. You may use this resource from our wiki to assist you in creating a better definition. Remember not to plagiarize.
  • Your biography is great but it depicts an event that never occurred in the lore, please correct this. 
  • Atop of that, your biography must contain two pieces of server lore, which can be found on our wiki. This could be something as simple as a town name, the Isle you were born on (which if you’re 18 would’ve been Atlas) or an actual event that defined your character.
  • Your character description should describe how she looks (ex. her height, hair color, etc.) atop of her personality. Furthermore, you’ll need to expand it. It doesn’t have to be a paragraph but make it a sentence or two, make sure it serves as a good descriptor for your character.
  • Lastly, your interesting facts have a couple discrepancies. The first being you cannot start with magic, please correct this. Secondly, you must have at least one negative trait. I might suggest replacing the magic fact with a negative one.

Well, that’s all. It may seem like a lot but I believe in you! When you’re finished you may contact me three different ways. These include: posting a comment on this application simply saying you are complete with the changes, sending me a private message on the forums, or contacting me on Discord (Talavok#3594). You may also use my Discord if you need help on your application or you are confused in any way. There is also a New Player Discord with individuals happy to assist you there. Best of luck, I hope to hear back from you soon!

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Hello again, Ryia. You have fixed some mistakes on your application though there are still a few that remain.

  • First, your biography depicts you moving from Atlas to Vailor but this isn’t possible. The way the Isles work is we move from them and cannot go back because some event has ruined the land. We were on Vailor from 1513-1570 and if you’re 18 that means you were born in 1687 which falls in the time period of Atlas (1643-1704), please correct this. Secondly, your biography still depicts an event that never occurred on Lord of the Craft. You must name an actual village and an actual war if you want such an event to occur in your biography. You may research the timeline of Atlas here, you may also view the names of actual cities/nations whilst you are there. The timeline may be a bit wonky as it only depicts the events of the dwarfs (for some reason). After removing Vailor from your biography I’d like to re-remind you that you still need two pieces of server lore.

You made a lot of wonderful corrections but you still have a bit of work to do! As usual, comment here once you are done. Thank you for working so hard, I can’t wait to hear back from you.

The timer has been reset back to 24 hours.

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I’d like to thank you for working with me Ryia. I’m honored to be the first to say Congratulations!

You’ve made it past the application process and are ready to go in-game and create your legacy. Yay!


If you need any help getting situated with role-play, you know where to find me. Enjoy roaming the Isles of Arcas, have fun!


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