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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    Discord: Rain_Man_23 #1266
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using information gained from outside of the game in character when your character would have no knowledge of the information otherwise
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Making your character overpowered to the point of forcing your actions on another player without giving them the ability to combat against it, for example being able to dodge every attack while simultaneous hitting your opponent
    Status: Accepted

“Karin’ayla good sir,” He starts out saying, “I wish to browse your collections of tomes related to medicinal herbs and resources.” He states passionately. “You see I have traveled long and hard seeking my new home within the Princedom and would like to prosper well when I enlist to become a combat medic!” He smiles at the man. “Can you point me toward the library where I could find such tomes?” He ask’s politely.

Character Name: Wyn Zumfeil
Character Race: SNOW_ELF
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 53
Physical Description: Wyn is a 5' 6" Snow Elf. Has light blue to almost grey eyes. Blonde to pure white hair. He has a muscular build. He tends to carry a quill of arrows.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hello Rain_Man_23! Your application has been placed under review for the following reasons;


  • Definition of power-gaming is incorrect. Your example is right, but try to expand your definition. You may check out LotC’s definition of both terms to get a better understanding, https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming.
  • In ‘character traits’, please add one negative trait about your character. This shows that your character has flaws and imperfections!


You have 24 hours to make such edits. If you need any further assistance, below I linked the new player discord as well as the wiki. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me on the forums, or discord: Carol#7747 




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Rain_Man_23, I am pleased to welcome you to The Isles of Arcas! 


We strongly suggest joining the LotC new player discord, where you may meet current players in the community as well as have any of your questions answered by the Community Team. In addition, we encourage new players to review the new player guide. During your time here, if you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to PM me on the forums or on discord: Carol#7747


Upon your arrival into the server, you may be greeted by a Monk of the Wilven Sanctuary at the Cloud Temple. They will help guide you on your journey.


Enjoy your time in Arcas! 



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