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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using knowledge obtained out-of-character to influence events in-character.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Performing acts in-character that are outside of reasonable expectation or authority of said character in a roleplay environment.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Ahab Ghan
Character Race: Farfolk
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 36
Physical Description: Just a scruffy middle-aged looking fellow.
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Application writer here. Sorry I missed this! It's so obvious to me now, but it was late when I posted!


"It was at this speculation that Ahab really wondered if..."

"...surely Ahab's accounts of meeting such acclaim in the marketplaces..."

"Ahab takes the hookah, taking a deep breath. The words bounce around Ahab's head..."

"Character Name: Ahab Ghan"


All of these "Ahab"s should read "Akreen".


Ahab was the character's name until I thought of a better one, so I changed the father's name to Ahab and the character's name to Akreen. Meaning that said lines should read:

"It was at this speculation that Akreen really wondered if..."

"...surely Akreen's accounts of meeting such acclaim in the marketplaces..."

"Akreen takes the hookah, taking a deep breath. The words bounce around Akreen's head..."

"Character Name: Akreen Ghan"


Sorry again!


P.S. The file upload for the skin obviously doesn't show it very well. If you need something better, I would appreciate being able to post it without waiting through the repost period (like through a comment or PM), if that is at all possible. Assuming that's the only issue with the application, of course.

Edited by TastesPurple
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Thank you for applying and clearly putting effort and time on it!
You will be implemented into the server shortly!


While so, you can take a look of some more server lore if you want, from the Wiki !

And if you yet haven't, I recommend on you to join in The New Player Discord ! There are many people out there ready to help with anything!


You can also directly contact me at all times here on the forums, via discord: Ali#0878 or in-game. My username is MyLittleUnicorn, either was it that you need assistance on something, or if you need help on getting started on the server!

You can also in-game use the command ' /atreq (message here) ' to get aid from the Application team! We are more than willing to help you with anything!


 Good luck and enjoy the journey around Lord Of The Craft! 

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