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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: topg.org
    Discord: toocutetospook#5587
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Based on what I read on the wiki, I would define metagaming as using information that you may know but your character does not. Like if you learned all about a certain type of weapon and decided to say some things about it as your character but your character has never went through the process of learning that. Another example is if that you yourself knew an event was happening so you decided to prepare but your character never heard of it in rp, then that would be metagaming.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is when you, lets say, over play than what is physically possible for your character. Like if your character was "scrawny" and chopped the head off an orc. Or a character who cannot even read used some magic from a spellbook. Or you just straight up say you summon your god powers to insta kill the crowd. I hope I explained my thoughts good enough there ha
    Status: Accepted

"Oh! Um hello. I am just traveling for now. Hoping to see some sights, and hopefully new animals! I don't care for that society crap so don't try and pull any of that 'I'm better than you' stuff. It won't affect me." Her expression quickly turned defensive, why was this strange man so curious about her and her hobbies. Maybe he was up to something. Better be careful about how much I tell him* "I was hoping I could be told the way to the nearest fabric shop, I have some items I need to mend." *she pointed to the hole on her sleeve* "If you could point me in the direction I would be sincerely grateful."


-after being directed


"Thanks you, now if you don't mind, I will be on my way." *she walked away, still tense after that conversation. Even though nothing happened she still felt on edge. She pulled out her coin pouch as she walked up to the store to buy what she needed*

Character Name: Halandri
Character Race: Adunian
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Dark brown. Green gray eyes. Average build with slightly stronger arms. Mostly leather armor some metal.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Your application has been put on pending, as there are changes needing to be made before you may be accepted, as follows:


Your Character Biography is missing a lore reference! Please remember to include at least one! These can be major events, wars, religion, etc. Here are some links that may help you find some!


  • Your Roleplay Scenario Response is too short! It must be at least 4 sentences long and include at least one piece of dialogue in quotes, and one action!


If you do not make these changes within 24 hours, your application will be denied. When you are finished, send me a forum message, and please do ask if you have any questions. 


If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki, and I highly recommend joining our discord and reading through the New Player Hub as well for all important links and info!

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