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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    Discord: X_Noub_X#6028
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using realworld knowledge rather than what the game has already offered me. basically i'm the character in the game and i have the same knowledge as my character does
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: being too blunt with what happens, saying that "i'm will climb to the top" would be powergaming instead i need to be more abstract about it and say "I will attempt to climb to the top". Shortterms it'd be me using actions like flying when i can't
    Status: Accepted

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond. You must show an understanding of quoted dialogue and exposition throughout the scenario.

I would suppose all of those but as of right now I'm seeking information of sorts, perhaps you know of a high risk bounty I would be able to go after? maybe a high ranking official on the side of skanarri?

Character Name: Atlas Nordstrum
Character Race: Highlander
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: built like a athlete, 6ft 5in, wearing a tunic, pants, shoes, and cloak all black as night, stubby facial hair and kind face with long black wavy hair
Screenshot of Skin:

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Congratulations, you’ve been accepted! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

Now that you’re accepted, you will spawn in Cloud Temple as a player and be able to interact with the world around you. If you need any help, you can message me in-game by doing /msg _mady07, or if I’m not online, you can find me on Discord madythenothacked#1187. Lastly, if you need any guidance in-game, and I am not around, please do...

/creq [message]

… along with a message as to what you need, and another Community Team Member will get to you as soon as possible!

After reading the below information and logging into LotC, I highly recommend sending this in chat so a Community Team Member can help you out:

/creq I have just been accepted and would like a Wilven Monk!


I highly recommend you join the LotC Discord using the invite link below, and please look through the New Player Guide!


Lastly, For guides, tutorials, and how to request help from a CT member, please head to the New Player Hub found here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193743-new-player-hub/


In addition, I recommend taking a look at our Settlement Guides. Below, I’ve linked the settlements you may be interested in based on your character’s race. 



If you aren’t interested in any of those, take a look at our Settlement Guide Hub!



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