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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-mp.com
    Discord: xsorrowxlightx
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: You use language that suggests to the other player an action, instead of forcing the action. Random example, you're trying to start] a barfight with another person. Instead of saying something like, *I break my bottle over [player's] head and shout "You wanna fight? I'll give you a fight!"* you say, *I swing my bottle, trying to aim for [player's] head, and shout "You wanna fight? I'll give you a fight!"* That way, you dont force the RP to go the way you want it to and give the other participant(s) a say.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Using information gained outside of roleplay, information your character doesn't already know in-game, can ruin a good story because it disrupts the flow. Pulling an example from the wiki, someone is planning to have their character betray you. They tell you this so youre not caught off guard mid-RP, or you find it out from someone else OOC, whatever. If you use this information to gain the upper hand in-game, you've in a sense "cheated", because while you knew this was coming, your character didn't. How could they prepare for something they weren't aware of beforehand? Plus, this now disrupts the character arc the other player was trying to go for.
    Status: Accepted

You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.”

((How do you respond?))

Sorralis carefully sits down on the cushion, cautious of the old hag yet somehow sure she is not a threat, and feels her story almost pour out of her as soon as she sits down; "I'm the daughter of a reasonably wealthy Adunian merchant family. I lived my life half in our estate, half on the road. Our travels were very entertaining, and I experienced many things!" She pauses, growing quiet. "My father was forcing me into a betrothal I wanted no part of, to a much older man than I.. He wouldn't hear reason. So I have run away, and I'm determined to make a new life for myself and live it the way I want to." Sorralis stands up, brushing off her dress, and bows her head towards the old woman before her. "Thank you for listening to my story."

Character Name: Sorralis
Character Race: Adunian
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: Peachy skinned, gray eyes, long copper hair pulled back in a braid with a bow. Wears a white and green dress with a brown corset and cuffs.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hey there. Well done on your application.

To get started, The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the server version is 1.18.2

When you arrive in the cloud temple to the right of cloud temple I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me?


Here are some links to help you start out:

Settlement Guides

Nations & Major Settlements

If you need any help feel free to contact me via the forums, discord or online in game. My tag is, @WhatASithuation 


LOTC's discord is here, I recommend going to the new players category if you feel you would like a rundown of the server and in the help chat ping @Community


Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it!

New player hub

Another New Player Guide

Have fun role playing!

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