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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: topg.org
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using knowledge from the real world to help them in game
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Trying to maximize your character in anyway
    Status: Accepted

"Oh yes hello! I honestly wish to be of service to anyone no matter the job."he says with a tone that can only be compared with a child's.

Character Name: Leonard Wright
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: A young man that if he did not tell you,you would have thought him younger. He has a mess of curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. Short and chubby.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review


You have 24 hours to edit on the following changes.

  • Your definition for Metagaming and Powergaming is incorrect. Please review the page on Metagaming and Powergaming

  • Your backstory requires at least ten sentences and at least one direct lore reference. The name of a nation is not considered a lore reference, neither is the name of a race nor a year. You can refer to the server’s Wikia Page for support.

  • Your personality traits need to be rewritten. It must include at least two positive traits and one negative trait. It must also be 1-3 sentences. If you need help, sometimes I use this website: Personality Traits

  • I see that your skin is not up to par with the server, but fret not; LoTC has a Skin Archive for players who cannot make their own skins, or need a temporary skin until they can make their own. These skins are Free to Use.

When you have made the changes, feel free to leave a comment on this page, or contact me through discord at Language#1688. If you require further assistance, contact me or any community staff member found in our New Player Discord

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Welcome to Lord of the Craft! I hope you enjoy your time here. After I set your application to accept, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server.

If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on discord at Language#1688.


 /creq Hi, I’m a new player, and I need help. Can I get a Wilven Monk?

If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact any Community Staff Member by contacting them to ask for a Wilven Monk, or assistance with fitting into LoTC.

In order to make your acclimation into the server easier, it is beneficial that you not only join the New Player Discord, but that you also read the New Player Guide to help you on your travels.

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Could not implement this player: couldn't find a Minecraft registration for the name zats1025
I am a bot. Please contact a staff member if you need assistance.

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