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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is the act of roleplaying with information gained OOC, our out of character/roleplay. This is strictly prohibited and considered cheating, especially if it is discussed in private or to "bail you out" of trouble. Such as; "[Name] snuck up to th
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is the act of forcing something, usually in combat, upon another person's character, such as beheading them without reason. An example would be this: "[Name] swung their sword, effectively beheading [Other]. 'No take backs, no dodge!! xD''". [
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Cassea Diartis
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 51
Physical Description: Slender and tall, athletic. Sharp features, pale, freckled, with bright red, long waved hair. Hickory eyes, light tattooing from wrist to shoulder.
Screenshot of Skin:

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It hurts my heart to deny this application, as nearly everything was perfect! Before I go into detail on what must be changed, I will suggest registering an account with our website. That way, you can edit your posts and such. Just in case there is an issue with your updated application. Anyway! Off to the races:

  • The only issue with the application was your character's inclusion into the Aureon seed. In wood elf culture, Seeds are very important and usually require trialing to get into, if not born into. As a new player, you cannot create a character and just join the Seed that way. I would suggest with your next app, either drop that entirely or put you are aiming to enter the seed, through the trials.

If you require any help, don't be afraid to PM me on the forums or @ me in the status updates section or on my profile directly. Also, below will be a link to the LotC New Player Discord, where a dedicated community of notable players are around and willing to aid you in anyway. You must wait three hours before applying again. Good luck, friend!


Discord: https://discord.gg/WeSesV

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