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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: topg.org
    Discord: Theory#3041
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out of game/character knowledge in an effort to break story to your advantage. Example: Tricking a character into doing something for me using information I learnt about him not in the game.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Making your character / experiences unrealistic and "invincible". examples : I can fly and am invincible.
    Status: Denied

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond. Your response must be at least four sentences long and include at least one action and at least one piece of dialogue surrounded by quotes.


My character would start off by giving as little information as possible. He thinks he is better than this man as he had served the militia for 6 years and has constructed a sort of emotional barrier. After this is established, he asks the gentleman "where is the closest bar? I am quite parched."  This knowledge is crucial as everyone knows the best place to get information is from drunk people. He walks off in search of the bar with the sole intentions of finding out information about his local area and the people around him.

Character Name: Kevlar The Vest
Character Race: Halfling
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Brown Eyes
Brown Hair
Ambience of trust
Screenshot of Skin:

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Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to reason that too many errors were made.



Your Character Biography is missing some lore references! Please remember to include at least two! These can be major events, wars, religion, etc. Here are some links that may help you find some!




→  Your Character Biography is a bit short. Please include at least 10 sentences. If you don’t know what to add, I recommend thinking more about your character’s backstory. Where are they from, what were their parents like, why are they how they are…?

please state whether you have roleplayed before or not!

Your Roleplay Scenario Response  shouldn't have any kind of thoughts in your emote! Only what others would be able to see. 

Your Skin and Physical Description does not match your character’s race. Halfling can't be that tall nor that weight!




If you have any questions, please send me a message on Discord Demon_Lilly#9033, and I recommend you join the 

LotC Discord using the following invite: 





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