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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Reddit
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Clear Communication and Expectations: Before starting the game, discuss players' expectations regarding the style of play. This may include what is considered acceptable in terms of character optimization and conflict resolution.

    Character Limitations: Establish reasonable limitations for characters during creation, whether in terms of statistics, skills, or equipment. This helps prevent players from creating overly powerful characters from the outset.

    Focus on Narrative: Emphasize the importance of narrative and character development over maximizing statistics or combat power. Encourage players to create interesting characters with realistic motivations and weaknesses.

    Balanced Rules: Use balanced rules and avoid allowing abilities or mechanics that can be easily exploited for excessive gain.

    Constructive Feedback: If you notice a player engaging in powergaming, provide constructive feedback diplomatically. Explain how their actions are affecting the gaming experience for others and work together to find solutions.

    Encouragement of Collaboration: Foster collaboration among players and highlight the importance of teamwork in overcoming challenges. This can help discourage individualistic or selfish behavior.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Breaks Immersion: Metagaming often leads players to make choices based on out-of-game knowledge rather than the knowledge their characters would have within the game world. This breaks immersion in the story and fictional world, undermining the roleplay experience.

    Inequality Among Players: When some players use external information to make advantageous decisions, it creates inequality between players who are playing more authentically and those who are exploiting metagaming. This can cause frustration and resentment among players.

    Hampers Character Development: Metagaming often leads players to prioritize game objectives or mechanical outcomes over the development of their characters and the narrative. This can result in shallow characters and a less engaging story.

    Makes Creating Meaningful Challenges Difficult: For the game master, metagaming can make it difficult to create meaningful and engaging challenges for players, as they may anticipate or bypass obstacles based on external information. This diminishes the excitement and surprise during gameplay.

    Reduces Sense of Accomplishment: When players use metagaming to circumvent challenges or solve problems easily, it reduces the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes from overcoming difficulties authentically and within the context of the game.
    Status: Denied

Você acabou de chegar em uma cidade pantanosa e sombria. Ao olhar ao redor, seu olhar se depara com barracos e cabines. Cheira a madeira apodrecida e musgo molhado. Você se abaixa e entra em uma tenda esfarrapada, iluminada por uma série de velas suspensas no ar. No fundo da tenda, uma velha bruxa levanta a cabeça: "O que te leva a esta cidade sombria? ela começa, depois faz uma pausa para estudar seu rosto – "Ah, é você. Eu estava esperando por você. Sente-se", ela gesticula em uma almofada, "Conte-me sua história".

(Como você responde?)) 

Com cautela, aproximo-me da velha bruxa, sentindo o peso de seu olhar sobre mim ao entrar na tenda. A atmosfera escura e misteriosa da cidade parece se intensificar dentro do pequeno espaço iluminado por velas piscando.

"Sou um viajante em busca de respostas e orientação", começo eu, minha voz ecoando suavemente na tenda: "Esta cidade sombria parece ser o epicentro de mistérios e segredos que intrigam minha mente inquieta. Ouvi histórias de poderes antigos e forças ocultas que habitam nessas terras, e senti um chamado para desvendar seus enigmas."

A bruxa ouve atentamente, seus olhos penetrantes parecem sondar minha alma em busca de verdades ocultas. Uma sensação de antecipação paira no ar enquanto ela processa minhas palavras.

"Você era esperado", murmura por fim, com a voz carregada de significado enigmático. "Mas cuidado, viajante. Os segredos desta cidade são profundos e perigosos. Nem tudo é o que parece, e cada passo pode levá-lo mais fundo nas trevas ou mais perto da luz."

Balançando a cabeça, acomodo-me na almofada, absorvendo as palavras da bruxa enquanto ela parece mergulhar em seus próprios reflexos sombrios. Percebo que minha jornada está apenas começando, e que as respostas que busco podem estar mais próximas do que jamais imaginei, aqui nesta cidade pantanosa e sombria.

Exemplo: (excluir isso)

"Oh, eu apenas, uh..." você gagueja, tensa. Você olha para o ancião, depois volta para for a da tenda. Por um momento, o ar engrossa com antecipação, até...

Character Name: Aldric josh
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 28
Physical Description: This human is of average height, with a robust, muscular figure that speaks of years of hard work and outdoor activities. Their broad shoulders and up
Screenshot of Skin:

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Olá, novo jogador, espero que isto esteja correto! A LOTC é considerada uma comunidade completamente de língua inglesa. Embora possamos ter muitas pessoas diferentes de diferentes partes do mundo,. Para se inscrever, você deve fazê-lo em inglês. Esta será a única instância em que eu colocarei português para você.


✿You’re on the right track!  just a few things you need to change!


✿ Your Powergaming method seems underdeveloped. It doesn't appear to be written by you. Make sure to give actual methods or explain your reasoning more. If you need some help, read over our wiki --->Here our definitions


✿ Your Metagaming reasoning,  seems to be a little underdeveloped.It doesn't appear to be written by you. Make sure to give actual methods or explain your reasoning more. If you need some help, read over our wiki --->Here our definitions. 


✿Your Roleplay Scenario & Backstory states that you know some sort of ancient power!  Please know that you can’t learn how to use magic until you are on the server and have been accepted for at least two weeks. If you have any questions please message me!”please remember you’ve been a background character up until this point. Once accepted, You’ll be the main character in your own story.


✿Please make sure to include at least six sentences in Roleplay scenario ! If you’re stumped on what to add. I recommend saying where you are from, how was it growing up? Maybe talk about your parents? Ect. Its a great start! Roleplay scenarios are done in third person- “he said, they said, she said.” 



You only have 48 hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes; you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord: Tigergiri.  If you don’t have Discord, please message me in the forums here! 

If you need to contact me or need help, you can always join the LotC Discord here

If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki!

Lastly, here is a link to the new player hub! : New Player Hub

Image result for almost there gif princess and the frog

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Changed Status to Denied



You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Tigergiri), my forum account, or on the server (Tigergiri)

You are also encouraged to join our  LOTC Discord , a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community. If you need any additional help please look at our New player guide 

You may reapply at anytime however please make the above changes before you do so. 


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