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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Basically.. If there's RP information they character doesn't know about yet.. And they talk about it EVEN WITHOUT KNOWING IT. That's Metagaming
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Such as if 2 characters are fighting and one of them decides to like.. Idk "SHOOTS LASERS FROM EYES" or something OP like that.
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Charles Kaddin
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 24
Physical Description: Brown Hair.. Ruggish type man. Looks like he's been through a thing or two. But possibly could be more kind than you think.
Screenshot of Skin:

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  • Your powergaming definition, whilst not entirely wrong, is also lacking something. Powergaming can be something as simple as forcing an emote on someone, rather than attempting. My suggestion is that you reread up on the term.
  • Your characters backstory is very plain and under developed, lacking in lore references, and is very generic. Having parents killed by bandits is quite cliche. Whilst not the be all and end all, having it the major play of a character history, story and being (being on a journey to recover an item lost from it) will result in a very lack lustre character.
    • Consider ways in which to flesh him out. At twenty four, he has had plenty of years to do things, to see places. He has been across two maps: [Arcas] where we live now, and [Atlas] where we lived before.
    • Having murdered parents can remain, as long as there is significant story and character creation beforehand.
  • Your interesting facts don’t highlight Positive, neutral, and negative.
    • Being adaptable is a positive.
    • Losing a sword, whilst tecnically negative- is not a character negative. These are supposed to reflect character traits, not events that happened to him. Quick to anger, for example, is a negative.

Please, make your changes in your own time! Any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or on discord, Laurelin#0797

And, feel free to join us on the new player discord too: https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

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