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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: planetminecraft.com
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Meta Gaming is when you veiw the game as a game, for the purpose of gaming. So understanding that you are a playing a game and your actions are made as if there you are playing a game
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Playing the game to get to the end as fast as possible or get to the top of the ranks in some way
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Dairkus
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: A short man of about 5'7 with dirtied blond hair. Having a slightly slimmed figure but still muscular in the shoulders. Hands callused from labor.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Unfortunately, your application has been...


-Your powergaming and metagaming definitions are both vague and incorrect

-Let it be known that should you had not applied on a guest account, I would have put your application on pending. This being said, I recommend re-applying with a Forum account so that if you make mistakes on your next application then you cannot be denied instantly for said mistakes. The only thing that will result in an instant denial with a Forum account are: plagiarism.


You may re-apply in 6 hours.


If you have any questions at all then feel free to contact me via Discord @ Chorale_#4767, PM's on the forums, or on the server. My username is Chorale_, I have another whitelisted account that's named Chorale__, so you can PM either one of those. The Application Team hosts a New Player Help Discord as-well if you are interested in hearing from our Application Moderators, General Helpers, and Community to ask them questions and get help with the application process.

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