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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is on a basics Collaborating with others to play out the Rp you're way, rather then allowing to Rp to flow as it is
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming Denys the 2nd perason to add to the story on what they feel strongly should be said about their character
    Status: Denied

Character Name: DustDwarfEngineer
Character Race: Mountain Dwarf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 125
Physical Description: Short, hunched and strong, has Black and Purple Hair, 4 Mechanical arms, 2 Claw-like hands and wears a Mask to hide his scared face from the world.
Screenshot of Skin:

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

- Please read our wiki and adjust your definitions of Metagaming and Powergaming. They are incorrect and vague.

- Please expand on your character writing - Develop on his backstory and personality.

- Dustdwarfengineer is not an appropriate name for our Roleplay. Please choose a more realistic name.

- Your character can not have four arms, and he can not have mechanical arms. This is not how our lore or technology works - And your character must start out mundanely.

- Please remove the interesting fact of your character being a Vampire. We do not have Vampires - And it does not fit our lore.



If you need any help - The Application Team invites you to our New Player Discordhttps://discord.gg/CzPeUH

Please message me once you've made the listed changes.

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