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Captain Crow
  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When I'm playing roleplays I try to stay in character as much as possible which usually prevents me from power playing.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: It gives people unfair advantages and just disrupts the flow of things in general.
    Status: Denied

Sarah Crow and her crew arrive at a tavern in Celia'Nor celebrating heir successful haul. When they go back outside to go back to their ship, they get ambushed by others and we're knocked out. When she awoke she found that she has been captured by the person in charge of the others then he told her to tell them where the 'Crows nest' is hidden and they would consider letting her go.


she responded with

"well, first you pass..." trying to buy time as she withdraws a dagger from her coat sleeve and try to cut the rope holding her then she finally say "oh, you wanted me to tell you how to get to the 'crows nest' was, I'm not telling you."


then they said to her in frustration

"We gave you a chance."

before being able to kill her she cut the ropes binding her with the dagger and was able free herself but not being able to save her crew. then after she escaped safely, a couple of hours go by then someone arrives...


(just to fill out this area to fill out more about my character and what the 'Crow's nest' is.)


The crows nest is a fancy name my character started to call the place where my character keeps there priceless things, priceless in a sentimental sence such as her fathers old rapier, her mothers captain's hat, and where her parents were buried. She keeps its location secret mainly because no one asked. But it has made into a myth that disappeared over time being forgotten. The myth being about how it held 'mountains of gold, silver and gem stones.'


Fear; Abandonment


Goal; to hire a crew for a short while and get their ship back. and to get revenge on the people who stole her ship.


flaw; She will take something if she has a chance to get away with it scot free, even with the slightest chance

Character Name: Sarah Crow/Captain Crow
Character Race: Farfolk
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 26
Physical Description: A female that is 5'8'' and weighs 165 lbs, wears the classic pirate outfit, light-brown hair, and has amber eyes with white skin.
Screenshot of Skin:

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→ You have two applications up. This application has been DENIED, but the other has been reviewed as normal and has been ACCEPTED.

If you have any questions, please send me a message on Discord HogoBojo#0001. If you still need help, I highly recommend joining the LotC Discord as well. https://discord.gg/lotc

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