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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraftservers.org
    Discord: GamegirlAmy#5471
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When you speak out of character example: Rose and Amber are not with Lily but Lily responds to them talking, or example Rasha doesnt know Ira s name and Ira didnt tell her but she says Hi Ira in chat. Also when you know something your character doesnt but you just pretend he/she does it will be unfair and not fun.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Using Godlike powers example: Kiara shoots Zoe with her bow and arrow. That is powergaming because she cant just shoot zoe she sould attempt to because Zoe can move or dodge. Also its like Zack jumps over a roof. Jumping over a roofs not possible and he should say he attempted or tried. Or by giving yourself more advantage than others
    Status: Denied

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond. Your response must be at least four sentences long and include at least one action and at least one piece of dialogue surrounded by quotes.

As Adira gets of the boat she immediately  starts exploring her way through the city, suddenly she gets approached by a well dressed gentlemen who looks at her with a big smile ," Welcome! welcome, "he began ."What brings you to this lovely city? Adventure? Wealth? Or some grand aspirations to elevate your place in society?" *Adira looks around him* "Why is he dressed like that and isn't he to friendly?Hmmmm....., She the decides to just smile and keep walking.

Character Name: Adira
Character Race: Halfling
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Brown hair,brown eyes.slim body,49kl , 91,44cm, wears red and silver armor with blond patch at the back(Please zoom in when looking at my skin, tysm)
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review

Hello there! At this time your application has been placed on,

For reasons such as:


Ø Your powergaming definition is very vague, expand them in your own words to properly show you know what you’re talking about. You can review our wiki page about it here!  

Ø Your biography lacked two sufficient lore references (Settlement names, creature names (creatures that are unique to LOTC not your generic dragon or trolls), other major events that are explained in depth), however races, and continents, nations names and vaguely conveyed facts are not sufficient lore reasons. Make sure these match up with your age and the current server year of 1815. Some places you can look for references are, you can also PM on disc and I can help find more than the listed here:

Ø Could you please reformat your Roleplay Scenario to remove the prompt? Just so I can get a better idea of the length of your response.

There are some grammar mistakes, please fix these.

Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application.

The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to it when making changes. You can also join our Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players.  Taking a look at the new player guide here will also help you

 You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Evonpire#0044) or by /msg (Evonpire) in-game for any questions or concerns.

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Hello there! At this time your application has been placed on,

For reasons such as:


Ø Your biography lacked two sufficient lore references (Settlement names, creature names (creatures that are unique to LOTC not your generic dragon or trolls), other major events that are explained in depth), however races, and continents, nations names and vaguely conveyed facts are not sufficient lore reasons. Make sure these match up with your age and the current server year of 1815. Some places you can look for references are, you can also PM on disc and I can help find more than the listed here:

Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application.

The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to it when making changes. You can also join our Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players.  Taking a look at the new player guide here will also help you

 You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Evonpire#0044) or by /msg (Evonpire) in-game for any questions or concerns.

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Your application has been





Due to:  24 Hours are up!


If you believe this was denied by mistake contact me through the information below. You may make a new application whenever.


You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Evonpire#0044), my forum account, or on the server (Evonpire). You can join our Discord.  You can also check out our New Player Guide.

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