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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: grimbrand #3125
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out-of-game knowledge for unfair in-game advantage.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Broken, godlike might. "I have 18/00 str again!"
    Status: Denied

Grimbrand tried to ignore the annoying prat at first, attempting to remain inconspicuous within the confines of his long hooded cloak.


“Are you deaf good sir?  I could be of great service to you!”


To his horror, the man actually grabbed him by the arm, the silly smile, warm with bon homme still plastered across his fat face.


Grimbrand sighed deeply, turning towards the gentleman, allowing the man’s gaze to fall upon his withered skull, the gem within his eyesocket glowing deep within the folds of his hood.  Though unable to see color, Grimbrand could see the blood fall from the man’s noble Heartlander visage plain enough.  The merchant gave a short, strangled cry as he staggered back, the smile sliding right into an expression of abject horror.


“Oh really?” said Grimbrand politely in his deep, mellow voice.  “I suppose I could use some skin cream.  My complexion’s been terribly dry lately.”

Character Name: Grimbrand
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 267
Physical Description: A withered, rotten husk of a human skeleton, animated by an eerie blue gem in his right eye socket. He usually moves with a slow, deliberate grace.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review



Your application has been denied as we have been led to believe you did not read the application instructions.


  • Your powergaming definition should be full sentences, and not an example.

  • Your character backstory must include at least two lore references.

  • Your character CANNOT be a skeleton of a human. It must be one of the following (or their subraces); Elf, Halfling, Dwarf, Human or Orc.

  • Lord of the Craft is a roleplay server that does not include minecraft creatures like Creepers. Please ensure to remove these.


Feel free to re-apply at any time. Please also ensure to utilise the critique given from your ‘Pending’ message.

If you are in need of any assistance or would like to further discuss your denial, feel free to contact me on discord at armajesty#9473. You are also welcome to join the New Player Discord and ask for help from other members of my team.

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