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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Kawaii_Toast#1086
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Someone using out of character knowledge
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: soemone insta killing or an attack not giving the oponent an option to respond
    Status: Denied

she’d step of the old boat as her eyes lit up at the sight of a bustling market place. the aromas of fresh herbs and freshly baked goods, and a distinct smell of cooking meat. She gestured for the man and herself to walk towards some of the shops selling filled fresh dumplings. “ im simply here to watch over my brother, care for a dumplin’ hun? “ she’d say while taking 2 jelly filled dumpling and a pouch of herbs. she passed the man a dumplin before sliding over a coin pouch and counting out the ammount owed. The clanking of the blacksmiths would draw her attention as the drifted towards it..

Character Name: Erza
Character Race: SNOW_ELF
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 67
Physical Description: Sliky White hair, with a pale face with rosey cheeks. she wears an oversized fur lined cloak with a hood too big for her head. her eyes are amber
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hello! Your application has unfortunately been denied at this time due to various issues. However, here are the things that would have to change to be accepted: 


  • Your Metagaming Definition is on the right track but needs clarification. Please refer to our Wiki for assistance.
  • Your Character Biography has many issues, these being:
    • Your Character Biography mentions she studies Alchemy  with ‘with her kingdoms best Alchemests’. This would not be allowed as a form of notoriety and powergaming, as she would have an automatic advantage over other players just joining the server.
    • Your Character Biography mentions her learning and perfecting magic, along with having a familiar. Neither of these things are allowed, due to being related to the above point about notoriety and powergaming for advantage. 
    • Your Character Biography lacks the required lore references. 
  • Your Physical Description does not match your skin (eye color).

After you change these things, feel free to reapply at any time by making a new application. If you’ve got questions, please DM me over discord @AccioNily#0515.

I  recommended you take another look at the New Player Guide (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191596-the-new-player-guide/) and join the Lord of the Craft Discord server (https://discord.gg/fwEQA2F) for more information and/or help if you have not already.


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