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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Marshmallows#1108
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Simple, follow the rules, amazing how hard that is for some people
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Takes away the whole point of roleplaying, if your killed somewere away from people there is no way they should know where you are or even that your dead
    Status: Denied

You open your eyes for the 1st time, your body is heavy and your seroundings are dark,

"Wha...is this, where am I" your jaw is heavy and struggle to talk

after a few moments your eyesight becomes clear, you don't even know what you are your body is made of stone and your soul feels unatual, you can only remember a name, Sebastian, unsure if that name is even yours you decide to use it, you leave a cave and enter the vast world searching for a purpase


"What I am I need to know, or perhaps staying underground is a better option" these are the option you gave yourself, which path do you choose, only time will tell

Character Name: Sebastian
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 20
Physical Description: Red glowing eyes, no hair, around 150 Kilos in weight (330 pounds) height around 5.6, is a rock that came to life through unknown means
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Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great!

-LotC is an set in a fantasy universe, we adhere to a unique lore that has been shaped over the past 10+ years of our existence. Please take the time to read over resources in our New Player Hub to properly adjust your application.

-You may not apply as a rock.

You’ll be given 48 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting them, please contact me!

My discord is chorale_! If you don’t have Discord, please message me on the forums!

If you need to contact me or need help,  you can join the LotC Discord here: Discord

If you still need help, make sure to check the Wiki!

Lastly is a link to the New Player Hub.

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Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why.

 Unfortunately, your 48-hour editing period has expired... However, don’t fret, you are free to reapply immediately, just remember to edit and change all that is listed below.

-LotC is an set in a fantasy universe, we adhere to a unique lore that has been shaped over the past 10+ years of our existence. Please take the time to read over resources in our New Player Hub to properly adjust your application.

-You may not apply as a rock.

Don’t worry though! You can submit a new application and try again right after, just make sure you correct the things listed!

My discord is chorale_ If you have any questions, I'm happy to help! If you don’t have Discord, please reach out to me on the forums. 

If you need to contact me or need help, you can join the LotC Discord! Here is the link! Discord

If you still need help, make sure to check the Wiki!

Lastly, this is a link to the New Player Hub!

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