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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-mp.com
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out-of-character information to to affect roleplay
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Ignoring reasonable traits and instead using unrealistic actions in order to win
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Faeneis
Character Race: High Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 187
Physical Description: 5'9'', 123 pounds, silver hair, light violet eyes, pale white skin
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review


  • You must include at least one clear Flaw in your character’s interesting facts/traits. A flaw is generally something to do with a character’s personality/behaviour.
    • Having a scar across your abdomen isn’t exactly a flaw because it won’t affect your character’s day to day life/actions. You’re welcome to use this, but try and expand on how this is a flaw for your character. 
  • Unfortunately, Elcihi’thilln is a city that wouldn’t have existed during your character’s lifetime. Please search for places or events on the wiki that existed near to the end of the previous map/continent of the server named ‘Atlas’ or from the current map, ‘Arcas’, for places that they may have visited within the last decade or so.




You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

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You have failed to make the required changes within 24 hours.

Please make the changes below in your next application.

  • You must include at least one clear Flaw in your character’s interesting facts/traits. A flaw is generally something to do with a character’s personality/behaviour.
    • Having a scar across your abdomen isn’t exactly a flaw because it won’t affect your character’s day to day life/actions. You’re welcome to use this, but try and expand on how this is a flaw for your character. 
  • Unfortunately, Elcihi’thilln is a city that wouldn’t have existed during your character’s lifetime. Please search for places or events on the wiki that existed near to the end of the previous map/continent of the server named ‘Atlas’ or from the current map, ‘Arcas’, for places that they may have visited within the last decade or so.



Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever, my discord is Aqua#5363. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.


You may reapply at any time.


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