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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: madmax0256#2129
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: doing things outside the game to help yourself in the game
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: making your character way too overpowered for example if someone hits you, you say like dodge or misses or whatever
    Status: Denied

“Hello there. I am just a wandering traveler. I’m looking for an old friend...”

Character Name: Alex Dragonwind
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Black Hair, Well Built, Red Cloak & Grey Undershirt With Brown Pants And Grey Boots, Red Eyes
Screenshot of Skin:

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✿ Your Metagaming and Powergaming Your definition just needs a little tweak to allow them to be up to  LOTC standards; please read over our wiki --->Here with our definitions. 


✿Your Character Biography must be at least TEN sentences long, it also must include at least ONE lore references Use our WIKI for some help! 

✿Your Character description says Red eyes which you can NOT Have as a human! The closest you can get to red eyes is amber if you would like to switch that around or change your eye colour. 

✿ Your Skin with addition to your character description you may not have red eyes. 

✿Your Personality Traits/Quirks  are not quite there, you can  describe your characters personality, likes, dislikes, faith, opinions and philosophies. This must include at least one significant negative personality trait. These must be complete sentences and not a list of traits.

 Thats a good start to your roleplay scenario! I would suggest adding an action with * on either side*.  So for my example : *Smiles wide, in a jittery sense *“Oh! Oh! Im looking for some shinies to add to my collection for my grandfather!”


You only have 24 Hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes, you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord. Discord:Tigergiri#0744  Im always happy to help!


The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.

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for the follwoing reasons:

On 8/26/2019 at 3:23 PM, Tigergiri said:




✿ Your Metagaming and Powergaming Your definition just needs a little tweak to allow them to be up to  LOTC standards; please read over our wiki --->Here with our definitions. 



✿Your Character Biography must be at least TEN sentences long, it also must include at least ONE lore references Use our WIKI for some help! 

✿Your Character description says Red eyes which you can NOT Have as a human! The closest you can get to red eyes is amber if you would like to switch that around or change your eye colour. 

✿ Your Skin with addition to your character description you may not have red eyes. 

✿Your Personality Traits/Quirks  are not quite there, you can  describe your characters personality, likes, dislikes, faith, opinions and philosophies. This must include at least one significant negative personality trait. These must be complete sentences and not a list of traits.

 Thats a good start to your roleplay scenario! I would suggest adding an action with * on either side*.  So for my example : *Smiles wide, in a jittery sense *“Oh! Oh! Im looking for some shinies to add to my collection for my grandfather!”



You only have 24 Hours to make the requested changes before this application is denied. You do not need to post a new application to make these fixes, you can simply edit this current application. If you have any questions about how to make these corrections, please contact me on Discord. Discord:Tigergiri#0744  Im always happy to help!


The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.

Image result for almost there gif princess and the frog


You may reapply at anytime however please make the above changes before you do so

You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Tigergiri#0744), my forum account, or on the server (aeldrinsEwife)

You are also encouraged to join our New Player Discord a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community.

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