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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: The use of information not from your characters life in your own advantage.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Giving a chance to the other person to react on your reaction.
    Status: Denied

Character Name: Bombur Vlaming
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 73
Physical Description: If you see Bombur , you see a dwarf that looks very nice but he is not someone you want to mess with.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Sadly since this is a Guest Application I cannot give you the typical 24 hour period to make changes... As a result this application has been denied.

You can post another app 3 hours from my response here and I recommend signing up for a free forum account so that way if edits are needed you can do so.


- Your powergaming definition is actually the exact opposite of what we consider the term to mean. Feel free to glance over our Wiki page on the topic if you'd like.


- Typically we like to see more lore mentioned than just naming places. This could be bringing up specific battles (and who they were between), mentioning certain flora or creatures, religion, etc. Our lore is found on both the Wiki and the forums here.


- For the description usually we like to see more specific things like height, body type, hair, does he have any defining scars, etc.


Otherwise you did good! Just fix those few things on your next post and you should get in for sure. ^-^

If you have questions or would like assistance feel free to contact myself or any other Application Moderator. We also have a New Player Discord that's meant just for such things, where you can chat with approved helpers and other players about anything that might confuse or interest you.

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