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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server.net
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: saying that because you looked something up and read up about it your character has that knowledge as well
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: making excuses for why you should be able to do something but really you should not be able to
    Status: Denied

nundel responds with a pleasant greeting saying that he came here to look for new and exotic parts for his contraptions only found here , saying with these new parts that surely the people of his home town will respect him more, after saying goodbye nundel heads of to a nearby market stand

Character Name: nundel fallenbrook
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: rather skinny, often wearing some sort of red suit or other , dark blue eyes , 6'2'' 200 pounds brown hair ,
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hey there, your application is almost there, for the time being, it has been placed on,


For the following reasons,

  • Your definitions on metagaming and powergaming are not quite right, I suggest checking our wiki on these terms and adding examples to show your understanding.
  • Your biography is a bit short and has no lore mentions. In order to make it right, I suggest including at least 3 lore references and 10 complete sentences. (I’ll include a list of wiki pages you can use) Please make sure you understand that your invention of a multi-shot crossbow would fail until you create a rp item and it gets approved by our lore team (The same with the tech)
  • I suggest checking your skin with the ones found in the Skin Archive to see if it fits the skins used in the server.
  • I suggest checking the rp situation in the example so you can see how they work. 

Make sure you make these corrections on the following 24 hours

If you need any help you can contact me through my discord WolfKnux (IdleSoul) #1674 you can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Application team, and meet other server players.

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I am sorry to be the one to tell you this but your application was unfortunately


But don’t give up just yet, you can make another immediately!

Your time limit expired.

Make sure you add the corrections I said on my previous comment before you post another application. 

If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact me through a message in the forums or via the New Player Discord.

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