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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server.net
    Discord: The Devil#7340
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: this is for an example if a player goes on ur wiki and reads about something, his character can't just suddenly know this. so it's if u use information u gained when not being "in character".
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: performing unrealistic feads
    Status: Denied

i’d probobly give him an odd look like he’s weird for talking to me and then respond with a lie like “im just here for the adventure, now get out of my way”. while in reality he is there to for a cases and to help the good.

Character Name: Lawliet
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 24
Physical Description: he looks like he never sleeps and is on the skinny side, but not too extreme. he has rather long and thicc hair it's black. white shirt/dark pants.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Unfortunately, your application has been denied, the reasons for denial including plagiarism of L from Death Note. We ask that you apply as your own original character next time you apply, please. Thank you!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at my Discord (S.D. Ace#0017) or here on the forums, though my personal discord is the fastest route to a response. Additionally, you can also join our Discord server!


I. Your character must be fitting for Lord of the Craft’s medieval fantasy setting. Feel free to check out our wiki if you’re lost on any lore-related questions. This includes your skin and physical characteristics.

II. Your application should generally try to be free of grammar and spelling errors. We aren’t looking for perfection, we get that English isn’t everyone’s strong suit.

III. Your biography and personality traits/quirks should be more clearly defined--they are simply worded a bit confusingly to me. Feel free to shoot the Community Team member handling your next application a private message if you want to elaborate more on your new character’s backstory/traits.

IV. Your powergaming example needs adjusted and expanded, and your metagaming example needs adjusted. We have a wiki page on both if you want to learn more there!

V. Your roleplay scenario and character biography should be longer (10 sentences is advised for biography, and at least 2 actions and 2 dialogue pieces for the scenario).

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