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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-mp.com
    Discord: Theodorlind08#5619
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: its like information that the person has to show or say
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: it means that you do op things that is godly or very unrealistic
    Status: Denied

-im here looking for people like me or people that will accept me

says Azura in a calm quiet voice

-well you have come to the right place my friend here in Latui everyone is welcome

says the strange well dressed man in a load voice

-dark elves have bo friends only enemies   (Quote)

says Azura in a calming deep voice while he slowly walks away from the man

-Wait! did you day you where a dark elf?

says the man in a scared but load voice

-yea why?

says Azura

i have seen people like you at the beach at midnight 

says the well dressed man

-you have?

says Azura with a confused voice


Character Name: Azura
Character Race: Dark Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 22
Physical Description: a tall dark elf with bright white eye`s and a black coat and a cape covering the face
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Hey there, unfortunately your application has been denied for the following reasons. Feel free to post a new application anytime, with the following fixes:

1. Your roleplay definition doesn't actually define what roleplay is. You need to explain what it is, rather than what you think of roleplay.


2. This is not a reason for denial, but rather something that should be noted. Elves are physically mature at 18, but culturally considered adults at 50. Feel free to re-apply as a 22 year old elf, this is just something I wanted to let you know of.


3. We do not use Minecraft lore for our server; Nether, piglins, et cetera do not exist. Please feel free to look at our wiki (linked below) if you want to look at the lore.


4. You cannot make up lore (includes historical events, religions, et cetera) and must include 2 lore references in your character biography. That can be an in-game religion, event, location, et cetera.


5. It's fine if your character has a fear of the cold, though you have to have a valid reason. The fear of water due to nearly being drowned is alright, though!


6. You need to have at least one negative character trait. A quirk such as aversion to water or being quiet isn't a negative trait for this purpose.


7. Your character's favorite thing about themselves and least favorite thing about themselves requires you to tell us why they love/hate that thing about themselves.


8. Your character's favorite/least favorite thing about themselves needs to be 2 sentences or longer.


9. Your character's biography needs to be 10 sentences or longer.


10. Your roleplay scenario needs to be just what your character does/says, not what the other character says. Additionally, your roleplay scenario is a bit difficult to read. I recommend you put your character's dialogue in "quotes," all in one line.


11. From what I'm able to gather from your roleplay scenario, you seem to believe dark elves are hated/discriminated against by other people. This isn't the case with almost every character on LotC.


12. Dark elves cannot have white eyes, nor can your character's eye color be changed by events in your character's biography.


13. Your skin needs to be up to standard; namely, the white glowing eyes and the complete lack of face are the problems here. Feel free to check out our skin archives (link below) for skins you can use as-is or for inspiration.


14. Your character cannot arrive at Athera, as it is a destroyed realm--our current realm is Almaris.


15. Again, not a reason for denial, but try to keep your grammar and spelling as high-quality as you can. I suggest you use a grammar/spelling checker such as Grammarly (linked below).


If you need help re-applying, have any questions or concerns, or just want to chat, my discord is teawithbee#0017. You can also reach me here on the forums by sending me a direct message.


Useful links:

Our wiki's main page: https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page

Our wiki's Nations and Charters page: https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Nations_and_Major_Charters

Our wiki's races page: https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Races

Our wiki's page on Arcas, a realm inhabited before Almaris, about twenty years ago: https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Arcas

Our Skin Archive: https://sites.google.com/view/lotc-skinarchive/home

Our Discord server: https://discord.gg/cdbbeJ4

Our New Player Hub forum subpage: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193743-new-player-hub/

Grammarly: https://app.grammarly.com/

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