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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraft-server.net
    Discord: yoyohoho#2237
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: its like.. when both worlds cross like one side informs another and thereby essentially having omnipresence which is kinda cheating or killing the world building aspect.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: just pretty show off ish i think like if the dm was being biased with his world building. mostly i think its character breaking in a way that the player has become too unfairly invested in the personal wellbeing of the story of his character
    Status: Denied

*shy* hello sir, um, im here to find somebody, maby you know him? ajah al’thor one of th...!(man cuts her off) the GREAT captains!! hohoho! yes this city was founded by sir joyia sedai him self the master craftsman! why, he built this very square were standing in and the tavern over there was this towns first building! say! whats your name? strange for a goblin to be asking about sir joyia but i suppose.. yes i remember your people did once serve the captains but.. yoyohoho: what do you mean once served the great captains! yoyo still does!! allways has! that is why i is here! to find master ajah and serve once more! *astonished* the guard steps back* ajah!? did you say ajah!? miss ah yoyo? sir ajah is a hero of this city but well.. you see... he died.. five hundred years ago. how long was you last mission *he asked yoyo* yoyohoho replies: i seen master ajah only 2 years ago this is how long it has taken yoyo to find and plant the !!BOOOM!! creeper? whaaaat!!!

Character Name: yoyohoho
Character Race: Goblin
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 24
Physical Description: 5'1, brown rag clothes, green skin, brown eyes, medium build, light weight, shoulder length hair straight, silver k9's and heavy set of travel bags.
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Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great!


- Err, you seem preeeetty confused;; I’m afraid LotC isn’t DnD, nor is it a set-in-stone novel-like thing. It’s moreso freeform, your character being able to interact with other players characters, grow, and develop. There is no main character, or anything of the like.

- Your powergaming and metagaming definitions aren’t quite what I’d be looking for,,, please correct these!! Here are links to the correct definitions, just be sure to write them in your own words and not plagiarise!


- Your character doesn’t really align with LotC lore, and they cannot have any sort of magical skill, knowledge, or be magical in any way. Your bio is also rather confusing, you state that ‘way later we find out that...’ however I must inform you that LotC isn’t quite DnD or anything of the like, so the assuredness of people finding out something about your character isn’t quite certain – your character is not the ‘main character’, as LotC has no main character. You also seem to use a lot of names from books, might wish to remove this also. It also doesn’t make sense that your character is 24, but they did something – which, relating to previous points, they couldn’t have done – 500 years ago. Please change your bio, to remove the magic and lore unrelated to LotC, and also the protagonist-like statements. Please make sure to include at least 1 LotC lore reference, this could be a city name, important event, etc! Here is a link to the LotC wiki, you may find it useful in looking for lore references to include! ❤️





- Your character name doesn’t sound particularly goblin-like, you may wish to change this,, Names also tend to have a capital letter at the start, being a proper noun ?

- Your personality traits and quirks don’t seem to include a negative, please do make sure to add a negative personality trait! ❤️

- Your roleplay scenario isn’t quite right, and references some of the things from your bio that must be changed,, it also seems to be a tad jokey, with apparently a.. creeper at the end?;; If you could perhaps make it a response only from your character, and format it more like the example – quotation marks (”) around speech, and some actions outside the speech marks, that would be fantastic! ❤️


You’ll be given 24 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me!

Whenever you are done, or have any questions, feel free to message me via the forums, or in-game with /message puffables! If I’m not around there, you can add me on discord at duckybreb#4385.

If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI


If you need to contact me, or need help,  you can join the new player discord here : https://discord.gg/Zr4EpNa




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Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why.

- Unfortunately, your 24hr editing period has expired.. However, don’t fret; you are free to reapply immediately, just remember to edit and change all that is listed in the Pending message above! ❤️

Don’t worry though! You can submit a new application and try again right after, just make sure you correct the things listed!


Need help? Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [duckybreb#4385]. I’m often online too, so you can message me with /message puffables to find me in game. If I’m not around, you can also use the new player discord which is right here! : https://discord.gg/Zr4EpNa

You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow CT members can help you that way!

Also, I would recommend that you read over the wiki! WIKI






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