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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: metagaming is the use of knowledge from outside the game, in role play
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is not giving a chance to defend another person, even when it comes to killing them: e.g.: Alex came to Ezykiel and stabbed him in the stomach with a poisoned sword, which caused his death. Alex did wrong because he couldn't defend the other p
    Status: Denied

I would also smile and answer that the city brings me adventure and the desire to escape from unpleasant memories of the native town. I would chat with this person a bit and then visit the city.

Character Name: John
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 21
Physical Description: gray long hair, very large soft eyes, the silhouette of an average man, very pale complexion and large brown eyebrows
Screenshot of Skin:

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You will have 24 hours to make changes to your application.

  • Your backstory is lacking in length and must be a minimum of at least ten (10) full sentences. Please ensure you have included two (2) pieces of lore within your backstory as well. You can refer to the wiki page for more information on the lore of Arcas. 

  • Your character design and your submitted skin do not match up. Please ensure you find a skin that matches with the description of your character. If you need any help finding skins you are welcome to take a look at the skin archive here: https://sites.google.com/view/skinarchive/home

  • Please ensure that you are using quotations to separate actions and dialogue in your roleplay scenario!


If you require any assistance feel free to PM me or add me on discord and contact me at armajesty#5043.


The wiki page has loads of important lore that can be used to help you improve your character’s backstory. You are also welcome to join our New Player Discord where you can contact other community staff, ask questions as well as speak with other new members!

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You have exceeded the allotted 24 hour period in which you are able to make changes to your application. However, you are welcome to apply again immediately!

If you are in need of any assistance, feel free to contact me on discord at armajesty#5043. You are also welcome to join the New Player Discord and ask for help from other members of the Community Staff team.

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