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Posts posted by MangoManMini

  1. Hey Lhindir :)


    I've got some good memories of our rp interactions and thanks for that! I think you were a large part of helping me find what i enjoy about the scuffed mineman rp we're doing - and what kind of narratives interest me enough to keep me building upon them.

    I was wondering though, what (if any) kinds of rp do you wish you could've been involved in? Are there any groups you wish you had a hand in, or characters you wish you went more indepth with, or maybe magics/feats you had more interaction with?


    It'd be sad to see you go btw, but - i support your decision :) you cant spend your entire life roleplaying a fake one.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Sorvian Sculpting


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Sorvians are a construct driven by the purpose they are created with - crafted of wooden skeletons and moulded of clay flesh. They are a creation which, sparsely alike others, possess a soul - or remnants of one atleast - which is gifted to them upon the creation process of their kind, taken directly from their creator's own reservoir. This gift of life is what forms an unbreakable link between the sculptor and their creation - birthing an innate compassion into the sorvian to seek a fulfilment through heeding to their sculptors instructions, which, whilst able to be broken, is a hunger any sorvian would seek to satiate, if given the opportunity.


    Sorvians come in two forms - fully sized, and newt sized. These are both playable - though playable newts must be atleast 2-3ft in height with the proportions of a halfling. Newts that are smaller are unplayable - and have a limited intellect, leaving them to very direct purposes, or menial tasks.


    A sorvian's desire for fulfilment however is not completely dependent on their creator's instruction - but aswell the purpose that they are linked with at creation, assuming they are created with any at all. This purpose is transcribed into their very being through the sorvian script that is depicted unreadably beneath their mask, in the blood which links the sculptor to their creation. Purposes such as 'To learn' or 'To protect' are common among sorvian kind - and, depending upon their specifity, can be determined to mean what the sorvian wishes within the boundaries given. This purpose, to a sorvian, is both a gift and a curse - propelling the constructs forth into levels of productivity descendants would struggle with, but risking with it the potential to break their mind, should they find themselves unable to fulfil it. Sorvian mind break is a very real phenomenon - that can lead to complete and utter change in a sorvian's personality, likeness, or even memory - leaving a sorvian depressed at least, and anew at most.


    Yes, due to the incomplete soul that sorvians possess, sorvians are capable of feeling emotion - and furthermore, pain - albeit to a subtle extent. The construct is unique in this way in comparison to many others - whom often cannot feel any pain, nor emotion towards anything. This, to some, likens sorvians closer to descendants than actual constructs - birthing an odd dilemma in their consideration as people.


    These properties of sorvian kind are ones that originate from their method of creation - which can be carried out by any creature possessing a soul, and the proper knowledge - including sorvians themselves. To create a sorvian, one must first craft the body which will be theirs to possess - which strictly must be formed of wooden bones, and moulded of clay. The husk of this sorvian must resemble that of a descendant - but can possess unique qualities, such as the addition of new limbs. Sorvians have been known to possess 4 arms, or extra fingers - the more additions resulting in their looks becoming more alien. Whilst sorvians can possess extra limbs - their strength proves to half between the additional limbs - meaning that a sorvian with 4 arms for example, would possess only half the normal descendant strength in each arm. This husk can stand at 6ft tall maximum.

    Next, comes the mask - which is made of a porcelain clay. This mask can have a variety of design choices implemented into it - but must possess two eyeholes, and a mouth. The mask of a sorvian has been known to be the only growing part of their body - able to reform and adapt based on the personality and experiences of the sorvian over many years. A sorvian interested in nature could grow deer antlers for example - or a sorvian whom lives for battle may develop colours of war-paint across their mask. The possibilities are rather endless.

    The life of a sorvian begins to come to fruition at the incantations that are written upon the back of a sorvian's mask - requiring a sculptor to be written. Written in their own blood (unless the sculptor is a sorvian, whom can then use any blood), a sculptor must translate the sorvian's purpose into unreadable depictions upon the back of the mask - swirls and characters of a gibberish dialect that only means something to the sculptor whom writes it. This fabricated language will remain on the back of the sorvian's mask their entire life - but will rarely be seen, as the mask is then fused to the head of the sorvian's husk. A bright light shimmers out as the sculptors soul is siphoned into the mask's form - and may result in a sudden jolt of life in the sorvian - awakening through channelled practice of the sculptor. 


    Sculptors can awaken 3 playable sorvians within a 3 month period - including fully sized sorvians and playable newts.

    Sorvians who learn to sculpt can only awaken 1 sorvian per 3 months - due to their half-baked soul.

    In terms of sorvian newts whom are too small to be played - there are no limits in how many you may create within a time period.


    In life, sorvians must be careful not to be brought to death. Whilst they are, for the most part, unaffected by age, hunger, or most natural causes - sorvians do not heal on their own, and so can have difficulties finding treatment for their injuries. Sorvians can sustain injuries much heavier than an average descendant can - and given their innate dexterity, can likely avoid more - but have three glaring weaknesses in their craft. The first - and most obvious, being their mask. It takes three solid strikes to the mask to shatter it's craft - and once shattered, a sorvian can lose themselves completely upon revival. The second is their chest. Within a sorvian's chest resides the soul that their creator gifted them - and such can escape if given the chance. If punctured, their time to seal said puncture up is limited - and if the soul manages to fully escape the sorvian's form, they will meet death. The third, is decapitation - which will result in sudden death.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?



    Incanting is the act of writing unknown dialect upon the back of the sorvian's mask. This writing, whilst gibberish, contains the sculptors perception of the construct to be - conveying their purpose through words only known to them. This must be written in blood - but does not necessarily have to be their own, which allows sorvians too to sculpt as their creators did for them.



    The awakening of a sorvian takes place once the mask and husk are prepared - where sculptors must meditate during placing the mask upon the husk - and effectively fuse the mask to the husk with the bond their soul creates. This process can often reveal the very soul of the creator to the naked eye - flaring out in a glow that may reflect a colour linked with the sculptor. This permanent fusing of the mask to the husk immediately brings the sorvian to life.



    The reparation of a sorvian does not necessarily need to be done by a sculptor - but should the sorvian in need of repair want a structure that will last - a sculptors skills are required. Sorvians can be properly repaired by sealing their damages with a clump of blood-mixed clay - which can then be infused with slithers of the sculptor's soul - effectively binding the clay to the sorvian's form as if it were always there. The clay used will transform and change to match the original structure of the sorvian - albeit with an offcoloured hue - due to the blood that has been mixed within, and the differing clay that has been used.



    The revival of a sorvian is much more complex than the simple repair - and depending on what the sculptor has to work with, can become varying levels of complicated. There is one main factor that changes the situation of a sorvian's revival; the condition of the sorvian's mask. If intact - the mask can simply be attached to a new husk by a sculptor - which will awaken them once more. However, if the mask is destroyed, their revival will come with new complications - most prevalently, loss of memory. The sculptor, whom must be familiar with the sorvian's mask, must create an entirely new mask identical to the sorvian's original - and then fuse that to a new husk. The memory lost by a sorvian is up to the player - but it can vary from forgetting how they came to die, to complete memory loss - effectively becoming an entirely new being.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    For this example, i will display an awakening emote i might use for sorvian creation;



    Glass stands before the table - laid upon it, a faceless husk of a yet-to-be sorvian. In their hand, rested a freshly incanted mask - blank in expression, and unattached to any form. Their shoulders bob as if taking in a deep breath, before they plant the mask carefully upon the husk's face. They take a few moments to assure it were centred, before seeming to freeze in posture. They stare at the mask, and stare a couple moments longer... Their concentration seemed rather intense - yet, their struggle were hard to ascertain - as being a sorvian themselves, their face were expressionless.


    It took a couple more seconds for anything to actually occur - and slowly, did it occur. It seemed a trick of the eye at first, but in due time, a subtle light evolved to a flare of white glow - that seeped between the edges of the mask, and pooled into the eyes. It seemed to drag off up into the air - mists of white glow splitting off into wisps of light, then nothing. The process lasted a few minutes, before...


    THUD! - The body jolted, the light suddenly snapping from view - and the husk laying still on the table once more. Glass retrieved their hand, leaning over the husk to examine the mask they had just sealed onto it's form... Then - without warning, the husk sprung upwards into a sit - their head glancing around the workshop they awoke in... The newly born sorvian looked around with curiosity - before their stare met Glass' in an unmatched confusion - Glass' demeanour, much more excited. 




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    For this example, i will display an incanting emote i might use for teaching;



    Glass stands before the student with a porcelain mask in their hand - raising it up to their vision. With their spare hand - they signed; which seemed to prompt one of the several sorvian newts around the workshop to begin speaking; "...to create a sorvian, we must first create their mask - but not only in physical form, but in concept..." They then flip the mask, pointing to the blank slate within the rear. "...this, is where you must learn to write the sorvian's purpose - their life - their being... though, you cannot write it in words..." Upon explaining, they lower the mask into thestudent's hands, and raise a vial from the table beside.


    "...it will take some practice - you have written with language all your life, afterall... but you must picture it as this - you are not writing... you are... painting..." They tell, uncorking the vial - which seemed to contain a measure of blood - and dipping a brush within. "...think of the sorvian you wish to create - of the life you wish for them... think of the purpose you wish them to have - the words you wish them to live by..." The sorvian hands the studying sculptor the brush, nodding in direction to try. "...then write not what you think - but what you see... do not think about what you write - do not follow any language... just allow your hand to move as it wishes... without sense - only in tow with your instincts..."


    Their hand - amidst the air with nothing in hold, gestures a random assortment of swirls and twists - attempting to convey what they meant to the student... but - they stop suddenly. "...it is probably best if you try not to think about it so hard... the harder you try, the more logic you will afford it... and there is little logic in writing the incommunicable..."




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    First, i'd ask whether it were intentional or not - but either way i would make sure they understand the redlines of the lore fully. I would make sure they understand that if they abuse the FA, they could potentially risk losing the FA under staff's jurisdiction - and that i obviously don't want that for them. I would offer my help should they need it - and any clarifications on the lore that i am able to convey.


    If they had purposely abused the lore, i would contact staff and inform them of the infraction.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Animii Crafting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Rylanor Goldhand


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             Yes, i applied too early. I was a little too eager haha. However i can't seem to find the post in the denied section... Apologies


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  4. Now that we're able to craft diamond tools, why not take it a step further and allow us to craft diamond (or even netherite) training swords, or other items involving these resources? Being able to access these items could lead to being able to make some really cool rp items to use. I know for one, i'd love to be able to use netherite swords to represent blackferrum/daemonsteel weaponry.


    Sure, we would need a way of obtaining netherite - but i don't imagine adding a node to each mine across the nations would be too taxing - and as long as we can't craft pvp armour/weapons with it, whats the harm? 


    Not a hugely thought out idea, i just thought it'd be cool - wondered what other people might think.

  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Zar'ei - Rakaal


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Zar'ei are a creature thankfully scarce across the descendant realms, created by those who follow the ways of malflame - Naztherak. 


    These creatures originate from the damned souls of descendants which have been cast into Moz Strimoza, doomed to a despair that entraps their very mentality. Zar'ei are perhaps the most cunning of their infernal kind, due to their resemblances of the mental capacity of descendants. By no means is a Zar'ei unwise or unintelligent, only saturated with hate and plunged into endless suffering.


    In their intelligence, they know - or rather prefer, to preserve ones self-interests even above their creator's where possible. Whilst unable to directly disobey, Zar'ei often search for loop holes for which to exploit and prosper at their master's benefit or destruction.

    This aversion of their innate limits can lead a Zar'ei through a daunting path of evolution, where they can delve deeper into the capabilities of their cursed, unforgivable form.

    Through the consumption of lessers - and their souls, as all descendants have, a Zar'ei can undergo evolution that can prompt metamorphosis of even further strength, or the acquisition of new spells available to those of Naztherak.

    Whilst these stages of evolution vary - there is one stage of evolution one could consider final - or true. With it brings a far greater prize than any other evolution. Known as Zentherak, or 'True Prince', the exact process to achieve this level of power is unknown, but one could assume it would require a great amount of souls to fuel such a grand evolution.

    (True evolution is something that can be achieved with the cooperation of the ST, who, will take over playing the character once this evolution is achieved.)


    Intelligent as they are, Zar'ei do greatly lack ability to form any sort of healthy, reciprocal relationship. Even with their creator, they will often strive to surpass and overcome them - to turn from servant, to master. They entirely lack any genuine affection or care, due to their absolute selfishness birthed within their new form's very nature.


    Zar'ei have three different subtypes (of which, i will go into detail of the type my character pursues)


    [Mage Type] - Malda:

    known as Maldaka, or 'Witches', these Zar'ei are slimmer and less physically robust than their peers. They often are birthed from descendants who were attuned with magic in their life, and so encourage their transformation to attune easier to the magic of Naztherak.


    [Knight Type] - Kozun

    Kozun are the Zar'ei which make up the footsoldiers and lieutenants of the Inferi hordes, and despite their mundane nature amongst their ranks, are nothing to be underestimated. They often weaponise their wit as their utmost strength, denouncing whatever advantages they can create to their means.


    [Brute Type] - Rakaal

    Rakaalka, or 'Tyrants' are the biggest of the Zar'ei type, known for their brute strength and daunting form. This type often forgoes the tactics that their Knight and Witch counterparts employ to rely solely on the sheer strength that they are gifted upon their grizzly birth. In this pursuit of complete strength however, the Rakaal are born with little attunement to the sorceries of their kind, having limited use of such powers (20 maleus per 12 IRL hours) - should they even need them.

    Out of the powers that exist to the Zar'ei, this type may cast spells; Vhiit and Rok-Kirluk.

    These tyrants possess strength and stamina on par with the average orc warrior, and may not be taller than 8 feet (pre-evolution) and weigh no more than 400lbs (pre-evolution).



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    A great mockery of the descendant form would be a recurring description from those who have encountered them - their flesh corrupted and perverse about the frame of a mortal being. Their appearance is intentionally insidious, attempting to mimic a resemblance to the descendant races, but whilst taking opportunity to mock these traits. Hair may be formed through tendrils and flesh, tusks are perhaps twisted and grown greatly out of proportion, and whatever beauty once were stripped and reconfigured to a vile, monstrous comparison.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. Flames scorched the skin - Corruption permeated the air - Chains sear the flesh - The damned torment the spirit.

    And yet within their damnation, despite their promise to suffer, a smile would pose mockery within the nine hells, this day.


    The two had never met - yet her corpse had defiled the boy plenty, in the time it roamed for another creatures whim.

    There were an admiration for that man that monster could not take - despite having taken everything else. A figure which in life, they had hoped to attain as well.


    The paladin - the martyr - had defined their own story, they had overcome the corrupted and left their warming stain upon the lands.

    Perhaps in a separate time, the two would've been allies.


    So, she smiles.

    Glad the thief were thwarted, in their attempts to destroy their unknowing hero.


    ~ . ~


    And may that wretch forever remain in their eternal, empty nightmare.




    In an out of character homage, i think i owe a great big thank you to letting me be involved in such an indepth character - allowing me to leave a mark on your roleplay, for as long as i were able. RP with this character is, by far, some of the most compelling i have ever experienced on the server - and whilst im sad to see him go, im glad this character got the end they thoroughly deserved.


    Moving from this character, i look forwards to what you'll do next - to what other compelling stories i may be able to sink my teeth into, perhaps as friends, or enemies once more. 


    Whatever the case, adios Elias. There are many fond memories that will linger for some time, yet.





  7. Silently, a Sorvian reads this missive, arms folded and mind indulged in thought.

    They read the words carefully - as does a miniature companion of theres, or atleast, they pretend to.

    Perhaps, they thought, they should pursue this group further.

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             I do!


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             Nope :)


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Animii Crafting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             I am aware :)


  10. [!]

    A written poster flutters here in the wind, catching the eye with a sketch of warm colours and fine detail.

    ~ o ~


    ~ o ~

    Greetings Sorvians, Atronachs, Automatons and those alike. In following with Glass' purpose, Glass wishes to make notice of the following services offered to constructs of any kind:


    • The free repair and upkeep of any sorvians and other constructs of which Glass is able to mend.
    • The information logging and ensuing protection by Glass' hand, upon request.
    • The prospect of crafts which Glass can offer, likely without cost - depending on said craft.
    • Any other service Glass is able to offer, within reason.


    In order to contact Glass, please pursue one of the following means:


    1. Enquire a bird to; (MangoManMini - Glass)
    2. Enquire a message to; (Discord - Mini#7601)
    3. Visit Glass' Workshop in Norland (Alisgrad), located to the far-right of the gates, 'FREY 6'. Shown in image.
  11. Tools scattered about the table as preparations made way - notes stacked upon one-another for guide, and dusts of alchemical symbol laid out in wooden mortars.


    "-What're you preparing for...?" The miniature man asked put of turn - peering on through his brow of artificial age.


    "To grant you greater form." That freak replied, as it prepared to begin a ghastly, and arduous process.


    That pirate cannot rest, not just yet.

  12. Ira's steps suddenly ceased as that wretched thing's eyes caught glimpse of a flyer - cast about by the wind, astray upon the path... With a few steps forwards did she clamp the toe of her boot atop it - reaching down to lift the slip, where horrific cracks emitted from a spine held by alchemical whim.


    "...Ah, good. More chaos for the fray...She remarked harshly - gliding claw across it's font, before looking back out upon the city of Elysium she stood by - walls mounted high... Though perhaps, not eternally. "Our work continues then - without distruption, instead with distraction."


    The freak's amber-laid eyes lost interest rather soon - hand opening up to allow a gust to take the note from her palm... And so, she continued.

  13. Some long, silent moments were spent - pondering these words truly, those thoughts navigated through a twisted mind, only to return a twisted judgement;


    "I suppose those born mortals, are forever haunted by pathetic desire. Despite the power they accrue..."


    That freak thought on this for some time, wondering if perhaps with time, their views may shift in some similar way.




    Though not any time soon.






  14. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


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