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Posts posted by lalo

  1. Airomar Amador rolled in his grave at the leaked journal.

    The topic of his granddaughter, Maria, catching his dead eye.

    "Hmmm." He would grumble. "Never approved of mea son-in-law in life-" the Amador would speak of Demitrey Denodado"-Though at least he's made a respectable choice to banish this rake from the lasses life. Ea hope he's successful in his pursuit of striking the lad dead."

  2. The Viscountess-consort of Azor jumps for glee upon seeing the invitation that made its way to Rikardsburg.

    "Mea nieces - young laidies of the north already." Theodosya would have cried tears of joy had she not promised herself she'd never cry again!

  3. Theodosya von Augusten thundered away from the courier who had brought her the news of her aunt's sudden death.

    The heels of her shoes clicked and clacked against the hard floors of Rikardsburg's keep. Her breath kept hitching in her throat - she desperately wished to breathe but seemed unable to find the wherewithal to.

    After she had found an unoccupied corner of a staircase, she collapsed into herself, hot tears staining her cheeks in one of the few times she had ever cried.

    She had lost the closest thing to a mother she had ever known.

  4. The Viscountess-Consort of Azor held onto the hastily growing baby Konstantin as she sat in the family church. She prayed for him - as she had grown accustomed to do since his birth.

    One day, the small boy would be the leader of his House, and to Azorites alike. The toll of such a responsibility was not an easy one, as she had seen growing up watching her brother, the Viscount of Amador, perform his duties.

    "Do niet fret, mea wee lamb-"
    Theodosya von Augusten smiled some for her son, gently grazing a finger against his nose, "-Vy will be great. Just as vyr papej is."

  5. Theodosya Amador, the apparent pariah in the d'Arkent's household rolled her eyes upon reading through the missive. A subject that was dishonest and continued to be mulled over for over eight years was moot to her.

    "Lord Peter and Ea were never courting. S'pose the family has forgotten that letters from the matter exist."

    With a final 'tut',
    Teddy dropped the parchment into a nearby wastebin. She hastily returned to sewing her wedding dress - her heart skipping a beat as she thought of her fiancé.

  6. Theodosya Amador hurried over to Esfir and Selyne, cooing over the babejs as they slept. "Mea dear, what beautiful lasses." Teddy reached a hand to gently brush against the future Viscountess' cheek. "Grow big and strong, mea wee niece. Niet a red-head like eam - but that's alright. That's what vyr sestra is for!" She chirped, gingerly moving to pat Selyne's head.

  7. Theodosya Amador’s brows knit together at the sight of the painting. An idle hand seemed to subconsciously reach up to caress her still rather short locks. "Ea hope niet many people have seen this." Teddy gulped at the thought - as the self-conscious girl she was. “Well - ea look ever so heroic! Maybe Henrik will frame it for eam...” The redhead’s dour mood seemed to lift upon beholding such a beautiful painting of her likeness!

  8. Somehow, the missive found its way to the cold mountains of the north. The young Lady, Theodosya Amador, not yet literate, had her governess read it to her. "Oh! A prinzen is getting married? Ea want to go! Ea'll ask papej. . ." she exclaimed, running off to find her father in hopes he'd oblige her demand - though as the youngest, she had little doubt he'd say no!

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