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Posts posted by poki

  1. Spoiler






    In the neighboring fields of a once verdant Druscan hill, Sir Andrik found himself amidst the swaying crops, pondering upon his journey from squirehood under Lord Edmond de Rouen to knighthood under Sir Gaspard, culminating in his fight in the enduring war. Battling illness for a year, he sensed his journey nearing its conclusion. Yet, unable to bid farewell anywhere but where it all began, he collapsed beside a weathered rock, his gaze drifting over the Petran landscapes. With a whispered lament, he mused, "Perhaps only the Mad King's Whip may grant me release, but it seems not."


    Though he and his once-bastard comrade Fyodor, now Lord Kovachev, had never seen eye to eye, their paths diverged further amidst the change in allegiances. Nevertheless, Andrik remained by his side, standing by the values prized by their Order.


    "Unity prevails beyond borders, a shared purpose in the crucible of strength."


    As the memories of battles fought and their many defeats accumulated in his thought, Andrik contemplated the nature of it all. The once Grand Prizak now grappled with mortality, his spirit unbowed even as his body weakened. Each passing moment brought a sense of closure, a silent acknowledgment of the inevitable end drawing near.


    In the fading light of dusk, Andrik found solace in the simplicity of nature, the gentle rustle of leaves and the soft caress of the evening breeze a soothing balm to his soul. He simply embraced the moment, finding peace in the knowledge that Rychwald would endure.


    With a final sigh, Andrik closed his eyes, surrendering to the night. In that moment, amidst the tranquil beauty of the Druscan ruins, he finally found a sense of closure, his journey at an end but the legacy of the Order destined to live on.







    My Dear friend Rurik,


    As the sun sets on this chapter of our lives, I write to you with a heart heavy. Our journey together has been marked by an unmatched brotherhood. Through the loss of our comrades, defeats and victories in war, I am eternally grateful for your loyalty and trust in me. I perhaps should have told you sooner of my illness but sometimes pride steps in the way.


    With your wedding concluded, I extend my warmest wishes for a union filled with love, joy, and prosperity.


    Such said, I hereby appoint you as the Grand Prizak of the Order of Rychwald. 


    Yours truly,

    Sir Andrik





  2. CvE0NEiN4pf6fSR7ddKKJJI9RQbPkeEOX9b7Mtv_D4W6DcWWUCPSR1VBfABwDcUGhsIGA3uSVOOmvY4QJFkZmpMWVRU_pu3treR8_6F7Rd_W__3MU93hySjmt8ip0vEalu02-CW5Inot1aIZTgz4x8w


    Lest, and only, the Mad King’s Whip relieve you.



    The inception of the Rychwald Order can be attributed to a flock of disorderly Raevs, encompassing bandits, peasants, and individuals of questionable lineage entrenched in the rural expanses of the Rychwald forest. Initially driven by pursuits of hedonistic gratification through theft, banditry, and criminal endeavors, the group eventually established a settled presence in Veletz. Notably, Fyodor Kovachev,  Sir Andrik Uldarik and Sir Rupert Brezwyck coalesced to form the Band of Bastards, catering to those lacking familial ties. Although the group initially lacked clear objectives, a transformation commenced a few years later. Fyodor attained legitimacy, and Andrik, having undergone knighthood and absolution from sin, steered the band towards the path of discipline and knighthood. Thus was the Order of the Rychwald.





     "Unity prevails beyond borders, a shared purpose in the crucible of strength."


    The essence of the Order lies in a singular notion, that irrespective of the banner beneath which the Order finds itself, loyalty and brotherhood shall forever endure. Thus, under the noble auspices of House Kovachev, their unwavering allegiance and fraternal bonds shall steadfastly follow.




    It was bastards, peasants, bandits, which once followed under the founders of the Order. The conversion of these vandals to respectable and brotherly warriors marked a specific resolution in the formation of the Order. The Order cherishes an intrinsic dedication to the sanctity of brotherhood—an ethos not born of mere camaraderie but a bond amongst trusted companions. This dynamic interplay of duty and fraternity finds its resonance in the revival and settlement of Rychwald. Rychwald is bound as much to the men who bare its arms to the very nature of the ground itself. The Rychwald will be protected and maintained as long as the Order persists. The Rychwald comes before the man, thus the Rychwald will be the man by any means necessary. 


    At the forefront of the Order’s collective mission lies a pledge to serve as stalwart defenders and custodians of House Kovachev. This sacred duty extends beyond the mere safeguarding of physical fortifications; it is a commitment rooted in the very name and reputation which is Kovachev. As much as the Order of the Rychwald offers a commitment to its physical land, it is bound by blood and steel to House Kovachev. The day the Order of the Rychwald is not hosted by the ancestors of Kovac is the day they take up a new banner. 






    House Kovachev, be it the Tazky of Ayr or the mercenary companies that once traversed the hinterlands of old, has held a notable military standing. Following the Battle of Kaer Angren in 1483, The Mad King, Varon Kovachev, sought refuge in the pages of history, a narrative that endures through time. Such is remembered, for it is Fyodor Kovachev, legitimized following the Battle of Breakwater, who possesses the Mad King’s whip, an emblem visible in the arms of the Order; A black Gryffon, adorned with the nine-tailed whip.


    The resurgence of Kovachev and the establishment of Rychwald marked a considerable juncture. The Rychwald encompasses the forests south of the Veletzian Winburgh, bordering the Petran Valley. It is here that House Kovachev, thus the men of Rychwald, stake their claim.  It was with Kovachev that the Order was formally formed, landed, and instituted. This will remain.






    The paramount virtues of loyalty and respect must be unwaveringly upheld, directed towards both the esteemed Order and House Kovachev.


    Under the aegis of authority within the Order, obedience and steadfast commitment to the spoken word become sacred tenets, ensuring the harmonious flow of command.


    A sentinel duty binds every member, a solemn pledge to safeguard and to preserve the honor of our brethren, a collective responsibility to elevate and protect one another.


    Amidst the challenges that camaraderie may forge, never shy away from a contest proposed by an equal, for such encounters serve to strengthen our collective mettle and uphold the honor of the Order.


    In the face of adversity, let it be known that the coward, the traitor, and the betrayer are not to be tolerated. To turn away from such transgressors is to dishonor the very fabric of our allegiance.


    Above all, let it be etched into the consciousness of every member that desertion is not merely a personal failing but a betrayal of one's brethren. Such treachery, should it rear its head, shall be met with the gravest consequence, death.




    In the light of dawn and under the watchful gaze of the Almighty, I solemnly swear my allegiance to the Order of the Rychwald, bound by the code of honor and virtue.


    Before GOD and in the presence of my brethren, I vow to stand as a steadfast pillar of unity, unyielding in the face of adversity. I pledge to uphold the principles of the order, recognizing no division among us based on banners or nations.


    To GOD, above the ancestors of Kovac, I pledge my unwavering loyalty, acknowledging His divine providence as the guiding force in my endeavors. 


    May GOD witness this solemn oath, and may my deeds reflect the nobility of the Order until my last breath, lest, and only, the Mad King’s Whip relieve me.









    The Grand Prizak assumes the responsibility of overseeing the entirety of the Order, commanding them with strategic acumen both on the battlefield and in matters of squireship. In addition, the Grand Prizak maintains a presence, invariably standing by the side of House Kovachev’s patriarch.



    The Prizak, occupying the role as right hand of the Grand Prizak, directs the bannermen of Rychwald with authoritative sternness as the chain of orders unfold.





    Druzek, or Knight, positioned at the top of the men-at-arms hierarchy, teetering on the brink of leadership, bears the mantle of conducting themselves with paramount virtue. The image they project plays an important role in the overarching character of the Order.



    Spravca represent a transitional phase, having ascended from the ranks of Strelec, and are currently undergoing trials in their quest to attain the status of a Druzek. Often, they find themselves under the squireship of an established Druzek or Prizak during this juncture.



    The vast levy under the Order, known as Strelec, encompasses individuals with varied experiences, from simple swordsmen with limited field exposure to attendants dedicated to serving the Knights, to even brigands or bastards.





    Sir Andrik Uldarik of the Rychwald,

    Grand Prizak of the Order of the Rychwald,


    Sir Rupert Brezwyck of the Rychwald,

    Prizak of the Order of the Rychwald,


    Sir Fyodor Kovachev of the Rychwald,

     Patriarch of House Kovachev, Host of the Rychwald


    Viktor of Kerzenwick,

    Scribe of the Order of the Rychwald.



  3. With a heavy head, Andrik laid a stern gaze into Fyodor's hues, a moment of silence shared between the two bastards before a thorough nod of head was given in return, his palm clenching upon the pommel of his blade, Andrik had a newfound purpose.


    "Louis's death will not be left forgotten." He assured. "I will gather our men and march by the sides of Veletz." - "Louis will not be forgotten." Andrik repeated.



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