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About justmad

  • Birthday 09/03/2001

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  • Interests
    Football and RP

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  • Character Name
    Jack "Bear" Grey
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  1. justmad


    Last time I was denied because of not having at least 2 pieces of lore, so I went ahead and went onto the wiki and added in the harpy and the city of Avalain. I hope this is good enough and if not please email me @ [email protected] because Im not always by my computer. Thanks.
  2. justmad


    Small towns on small islands tend to be free from the grasp of violence, however, the home of Jack Grey was known for its hostile residents. From the age of 8, they are trained to kill all enemies and spread their region’s influence. His father, Lord Robert Grey forced his own son to join the military two years earlier. As a mercenary force, they were almost never fighting their own battles but traded lives for gold. After being honed in battle, and beaten by his father, Heir Grey finally snapped. Whilst on the battlefield of a random battle, he struck down his own father and forced the army to retreat as he was now in command. Upon returning home, his tribe and family forcefully exiled that very night when he slept. Using weapons and ropes, they subdued him and brought him to the opposite end of the island, informing him that he was no longer welcome. Not knowing what else to do, Jack set up camp. After a week, he was starting to run out of food and branches snapped in the woods nearby. There was a grand shadow hovering just outside of the light, a low guttural growl emerged from its belly, and its hulking form started to lumber forward. A bear, aptly named Fang by the people of Jack’s old town due to its lethal teeth, loomed above the human teen. Panicking, he threw a wooden stick from his campfire at the bear’s face like a javelin. Striking true, it passed through the creature’s eye socket and struck through its brain. Falling forward, it landed on top of the little tent Jack had built. He didn’t care- all he saw was food. Drawing a knife he kept in his boot, he skinned the bear. Later on, he would use the skin as clothes on his journey to his cousin’s (now destroyed) town. When he arrived, Jasper Finton (who was born under the Bow of Malin constellations) was gone and the town was in shambles. He could swear it could have been a harpy, as he had seen one not to long ago. Alone and curious, he started to look for survivors. The first place he decided to check was the city of Avalain.
  3. justmad


    Small towns on small islands tend to be free from the grasp of violence, however, the home of Jack Grey was known for its hostile residents. From the age of 8, they are trained to kill all enemies and spread their region’s influence. His father, Lord Robert Grey forced his own son to join the military two years earlier. As a mercenary force, they were almost never fighting their own battles but traded lives for gold. After being honed in battle, and beaten by his father, Heir Grey finally snapped. Whilst on the battlefield of a random battle, he struck down his own father and forced the army to retreat as he was now in command. Upon returning home, his tribe and family forcefully exiled that very night when he slept. Using weapons and ropes, they subdued him and brought him to the opposite end of the island, informing him that he was no longer welcome. Not knowing what else to do, Jack set up camp. After a week, he was starting to run out of food. Branches snapped in the woods nearby. There was a grand shadow hovering just outside of the light, a low guttural growl emerged from its belly, and its hulking form started to lumber forward. A bear, aptly named Fang by the people of Jack’s old town due to its lethal teeth, loomed above the human teen. Panicking, he threw a wooden stick from his campfire at the bear’s face like a javelin. Striking true, it passed through the creature’s eye socket and struck through its brain. Falling forward, it landed on top of the little tent Jack had built. He didn’t care- all he saw was food. Drawing a knife he kept in his boot, he skinned the bear. Later on, he would use the skin as clothes on his journey to his cousin’s (now destroyed) town. When he arrived, Jasper Finton (who was born under the Bow of Malin constellations) was gone and the town was in shambles. He could swear it could have been a troll, as he had seen big heavy footprints in the nearby area. Alone and curious, he started to look for survivors.
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