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Everything posted by Sofia101

  1. Sofia101


    Thessalia Olapetor: Age: 22 PoB: Eastern Arcas, the Realm of Irrinor. Backstory: Thessalia Olapetor, was born on September 20 and lived with her elder sister Heather. Thessalia was always the more curious one spending most of her time adventuring into the forests and finding new ways to collect fresh water or to grow new trees. As a wood elf, she absolutely adored nature and meeting new people though a question often rang in her mind: “When?” this question would stay with her for most of her adolescent years as she grew apart from her more academic sister Heather as she explored more sides of the forest eventually crafting her trusted Bow which she named Silentsong for it’s speed and the delicate design for a crossbow. Through the years and the adventures she learnt the perfect way to find out information and found her knack where as her sister would never leave the forest. Thessalia’s dark red tattoo was hidden by her sleeves, her heritage of her elders being a Chirr meant that she was a fine warrior and clearly wasn’t afraid to show it. So what does Thessalia want in this life? Love and to be loved? Or just to explore and find out.
  2. Sofia101


    Sofia (Syn) Law Runeclaw. Place of Birth: Riverbrook. Syn was born on March the 13th , her parents were blacksmiths named Amelia and Jaxon Runeclaw. She is the oldest child of 3, a younger sister named Elizabeth (13) and a brother named Lucas (17.) Throughout Syn’s life she was shunned upon for wanting to explore and see what was beyond the borders of Riverbrook ever since she was around 14, she met lovely people within Riverbrook such as a woman named Tamzin who aided her and helped her to fight and to learn how to use her trusty dagger named Spirit. She was born as a Highlander and enjoyed the rush of adrenaline from living up north, she grew confident by the time she left her home when she was 16. The woman learned to speak her voice and to use her... Assets to her advantage, she was good at reading people and made a name for herself as a mercenary. She impressed people with her Arcane magic of Telekinesis, though she grew anxious. Now, she wants to make a bigger name for herself and perhaps show people that this woman, is tougher than she appears to be.
  3. Sofia101


    There once was a town named Riverbrook, it was a peaceful town with hardly any issues. Jaxon and Amelia were just blacksmiths and two young people in love, they had it all. Money, family and love until their first daughter were born. Sofia Law Runeclaw. was born on March 16th and caused trouble ever since she was little, she was considered the “misfit” of the town and didn’t fit in this was because in Riverbrook being a halfling was a sin. The word couldn’t even be muttered without getting a scolding. So, unfortunately for Sofia, she was shunned upon by the people of Riverbrook and was eventually outcasted alongside her younger siblings and their parents. Sofia, never felt like she fitted in with the people of Riverbrook, in fact, she shunned them for making her feel as though she didn’t belong there. After all, it wasn’t her fault she was born with the powers she had, she was only growing up. Years later… Sofia became more rebellious and filled with much more hatred, she was turned away by her family including her little brother and sister, and eventually created a new life, a life where her name would be heard, but it wasn’t Sofia. She was now known as Syn. She changed her name as she was always seen as a Sin in the public’s eyes, so she lived up to that name’s expectations. She became Syn Runeclaw, a well-known name to most of the people in England, but not for the right reasons. She became a mercenary, she was among the most cunning people in southern England, with a need to feel in control. Her confidence grew, she never once looked back at her childhood and thought she done the wrong thing, she was one of the most well-known assassin/mercenaries around. There's plenty to say about Syn but the fact she's obnoxious and disrespectful is just the tip of the iceberg. Let alone the fact she's also apathetic, a criminal and disruptive, but their effects are at least lessened by impulses of being dynamic as well. But focus on her as this is what she's loathed. There's a great deal of pain left on all sides because of this and her apathetic nature, but there's not much you can really do about it. Fair is fair though, Syn does have some lighter sides. She's observant and responsible at the very least, it's not like we're dealing with pure evil here. Unfortunately, her disrespectful nature is usually lurking and ready to spoil the fun.
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