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Posts posted by Bisscy



    9 hours ago, Ryloth said:

    I wish the druid community could just get a big fat Thanos snap wipe like other magics have, and get some self-teach altars. It'd eliminate the upper echelon hugbox of authority controlling the entire magic with as many gates and gate policies as their settlements. Druidism is as big as Void magic, and it should be treated the same due to its size and presence -- and it's simply an antithetical area to Void magic anyhow, capable of undoing corruption, and the players tend to be extremely anti-void on their characters too.


    I've only had a positive experience with rogue druids and (sometimes) the Father Circle, but that's typically only been in interactions with the NLs and only the NLs. Funny enough when logged onto other accounts, the Mother Circle provides positive interactions for me ... it's almost like a username holds some significant weight when regarding a reputation of antagonist anti-druid RP. They won't want you around if you're one of the names in their Discord they reserve headspace for with multi-page logs in the search bars.


    I can't think of a better phrase other than "drain the swamp" when I think of how to fix the druidism community. It already takes six months to complete dedicancy unless you know a green-tag and give them an under-the-table something-or-other. You can see it first-hand with who (some, certainly not all) of the main druids are now, their application time gaps, and who they interact with. Cut-and-dry it's favoritism and bias. I just wonder when I'll lose attunement on the alt after they find out who I really am.


    The magic of Druidism is one of the cooler things on LotC and it could really be used aggressively to combat a lot of the other running-wild magics across the universe we play in, but in the hands of the current players, it'll be slice-of-life interactions with a maybe-maybe-maybe eco-terror action taken out against another magic community. I'd love to see it more frequently -- and it does happen -- but it doesn't happen enough, and it's because of the bad examples at the top.




    This is the problem with the druid community. Simple as.



    It took me and the boys two days to break in, and Werew0lf with his lads blew the city apart with PRO permission. I think the druids could pull it off -- and don't get me wrong, of course there's the OOC level given the PRO perms -- but if you ask Story Team I without a doubt believe if the Druids tried to turn off their voidal tear it'd happen. After all, the PRO consented to the bad outcomes for his city when he approved the tear's creation -- therefore he is liable for all damages that follow thereafter. That's what I was told.


    Likewise now, you're more than allowed to go to the remnant corruption and try to purge it. Kind of like how I've gone to both Mother and Father circle to inform of Vasiyeva getting necro-corrupted by [redacted] necromancers for the past month, but nothing happened -- and now the city is torched as a result.

    Lmfao, it's really convenient to not add the part where I said it wasn't serious and besides even if I was people didn't agree with me. 

  2. Noticing the missives and feathers float down from the sky a Mali'aheral would begin to gather up both feather and fliers. "Quite rude of this Castington family to waste paper and make such a large mess." he'd sigh as he searched for a firepit.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Shorsand said:

    Then you get trains, gatling guns, and eventually the nuclear bomb.


    Keep it medieval, return to peasant monke.

    Have you heard of the thanium bomb my good friend?

  4. You don’t have to re-apply or create a new persona unless you want to or they die between now and transition.  If you are in the Lotc discord you can find a channel for skins, just follow the instructions and if anyone is available/interested they’ll ping or dm you. 

  5. On 6/23/2020 at 3:06 AM, Pintape said:

    How will the map be like? Empires far away, and empty land that no one uses, or could we have a system of spreading land more evenly, and making castles more realistic (only for the king and family, and militia and citizens if need-be). It would be cool to see more people living on open land and everything being more spread out rather then half the player base in Helena.

     If it was like you suggest we would instead have empty castles and villages. The cities act as hubs so that people can actively roleplay and not have to run around looking for people. Charters were a way to make a small settlement near or away from cities and in the past groups bought regions (with mina) that were purchasable. However most of these groups got bored and went inactive or couldn’t keep up with activity checks and died that way. After awhile staff said no more and removed the charter system I believe. Lastly Helena does not host half the server, and if you have not been around the map I sugget you visit the other cities during peak time.

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