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Posts posted by kipps

  1. in3Y13G1PNV_S-2nHh0_y7RXYJkBEoXwd6h2Yk1KiVMBwZQjQAkQThdMewE0e7FtVD9WAU_KaMMsnlQ-mGP6wxGwHBGHtmqNERO1rQsba0n-cbyx-QnPXoFjPycENb2Cb31OBKbY







    Seine Gnade The Bishop von Jorenus

    The Reverend Monsignor Anton Barclay



    A homily is a verbal interaction a clergyman can have with his congregation or the faithful in abstract. Whereas sermons are usually about scripture or the interpretations of such: homilies are often a form of address or conversation relating to the lives of one’s parishioners. While classically these were verbally held by the High Pontiff, the spread of the printing press and expansion of civil institutions popularized it among Bishops and priests as well: for they too were now a part of the political discourse, which often homilies were a general response to.



    Dear faithful of Hanseti-Ruska,


    After I was made Bishop of Jorenus in the Tenth Golden Bull of Helena, I published my somewhat infamous rebuttal against the Lendian heresy, wherein I made clear that our Mighty Königreich shall not fall to these heretics. After my rebuttal I dedicated a sermon to the Lendians, telling them that forgiveness will be given to the heretics if only they would turn to the light and accept the official teachings of the Church. After my sermon I have not heard of any reports of Lendians. I want to thank the Ledians that reformed after letting my words reach their hearts, it is truly heartwarming that my word is being respected by this minority.


    After conversing with some of the Lendians, it seemed to me that their true intention was not to be heretical, nor be schismatic in their nature. I truly believe that the majority of the Lendians were riled up into heresy under the guise of a separate cultural identity. This effort for cultural change is commendable, but dangerous when it is combined with heretical beliefs such as Lendianism. A prime example of the development of a cultural identity when it comes to the Faith are the candlesticks of St. Daniel that the Carnatians see as a symbol of the unity of their people under the Church. In their annual sermon of Provenance, they discuss their people’s history and the historical relation between the Carnatians and GOTT.


    It is entirely possible to bring back elements of old Ruskan Orthodoxy without clashing with our most Holy Church’s dogma. Therefore I request any Haenseman to approach me if they have a proposal of introducing any cultural practices or traditions that have faded out of the Haenseni Church doctrine over time. For I’d rather have us digging up ancient doctrines than rejecting our Church’s dogma. I am not here to antagonize you. But I won’t allow any form of heresy in my diocese, regardless if they are foreign or not.


    This brings me to the letter of Arthur Callahan to the Josephite Sir Terrence May, a letter nearing heresy, but most definitely a grave insult to our most Holy Institution. The author of the letter is a soul that feels inadequate when he looks at our blessed Church and our many followers. A man that attempted to legitimize heresy by attempting to garner support from the Josephite party. Danke GOTT that he is cast to the fringes of our religious debate.  The Bishop of Ves and I are angered at this proposal, as it rejects GOTT in its truest of forms. I ask of Haense to ignore this and keep yourself true to your belief: the belief of the Holy Church of the Canon. 


    I would like to point out that I’m not in disagreement with the two-party system of the House of Commons, for GOTT gave us all the ability to think for ourselves. But to turn against GOTT using this gift bestowed to us by Him is a plain arrogance and shows a lack of piety. Some Josephites I talked to are in staunch disagreement to this letter, but even by associating with such radicals: it brings a bad reputation upon the name of the Josephite movement. The past, the present, and the future of our Könighreich lies in GOTT: For GOTT was, GOTT is, and GOTT shall always be.



    Seine Gnade the Bishop von Jorenus

    Anton Barclay







    His Grace Bishop Anton of Jorenus


    His Eminence Laurence Cardinal Ves


    9th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1763


    The Bishop of Jorenus introduced the topic to the Haeseni congregation, in the following fashion: “What if hypothetically, a man walks into your house and steals an apple. Why should you forgive him? For he has done nothing but harm you”.


    Men in the crowd answered negatively: a man shan’t be forgiven for his harm or betrayal, there is never a reason to do so. Anton Barclay corrected them however, replying: “Because we humans are capable of redeeming other people. Let’s say I eat this apple and I look back at mister Corbish being hungry and a grumpy old man, I would feel sorry for him no? And mister Corbish wouldn’t like me either: his feelings towards me will turn into hate. Hate! Forgiveness is there because we ascend primitive animals and we can think beyond. Redemption is vital, for redemption is the only thing that lets us move on.


    While this was a simple story, I wish to proceed to something more controversial. The Lendians. For the Lendians are heretics as I wrote in my letter, but I do not think of them as monsters or anything. I doubt any of you know a Lendian as a monster yourself. They believe in God and His Teachings, the Holy Scrolls as well, but they are still heretics. It are these misguided souls that we must seek forgiveness from God, and redeem themselves in His eyes.


    For God’s forgiveness is endless, one must accept him and repent to him. Just like if I stole an apple. If I steal it, I go to a priest and ask for forgiveness from God. Some of these Lendian men are good folk, for I am sure they still believe in His Word and the Exalted. But some aspects of their faith are heretical. So hear my word, any Lendianen present;



    In God’s most holy institution, The Church of the Canon, there is space for you. But you must allow yourselves to be forgiven and be redeemed by following the faith, as is prescribed by our dogma. 


    Now, let us finish this mass with a small prayer. The prayer for Redemption: Our Father, King of All, please lead us away from temptation, and lead us towards Your Eternal Salvation. We beg that you allow us into your embracing arms Lord, regardless of the struggles we must go through to be here. 

    In Nomine Patris, Amen.




    Dearly beloved,


    The Holy Scrolls are the Word of GOD, and contain wisdom for all times. Thus, in this troubled age, we are called to examine our beliefs and see if they hold to His Word: to keep what is good, and to dispense with what is not.


    Recently our Church has been the subject of criticism from those who, for all their austere living and purported humility, do not obey the Lord. The specter of heresy haunts the faithful: folklore is being mingled with faith, to the detriment of both.


    I speak of the ‘Lendian Rite’ also called ‘Sigmundic Canonism’. In truth, adherents to this heresy are neither ‘Sigmundic’ nor ‘Canonist’. For all their love of Exalted Sigismund, they do not believe his own words in the Auspice. For all their love of Canonism, they do not read the Canon itself, the Holy Scrolls. Thus, in order to avoid the confusion of the laity, we will refer to these misguided individuals as Lendians. The key errors in the Lendian belief are the Iovanos and the Ioranija, two innovations which are wildly at odds with the dogma of Canonism.


    THE HERESY OF THE IOVANOS: Lendians believe in ‘Iovanos’, which is the granting of divine essence to humanity, permitting them access to the Skies. They further believe that because the other descendant races did not receive this ‘gift’, they cannot enter the Skies. This is false. While it is true that humans do hold a special place in GOD’s eyes, and indeed they shall inherit the Skies as a result of their racial blessing, Exalted Sigismund’s own writings guarantee that some nonhumans are currently residing in the Skies, and they shall serve in the Exalted’s armies during the final battle.

    • Thus the virtuous of other tribes are marching down from heaven, and the Skies are given over to the sons of Horen.” (Auspice 3:12). 


    THE HERESY OF THE IORANIJA: As if their blatant disregard for the actual words of the final prophet is not enough, Lendians also believe in the coming of the “Ioranija” or “Fifth Prophet”. With this they undermine yet again their supposed reverence for Exalted Sigismund, who is described repeatedly in the Canon as the last prophet. This dignity is an eternal one--Exalted Sigismund is the last prophet, and he shall remain so forever.

    • So My promise is kept: the waters of prophecy are frozen until the last day, and My Seal is placed upon them. And with the third son of spirit, no more shall prophet rule as king; the crown and the laurel are two in harmony, like unto Evaristus and Clement. For when I return, the waters shall thaw and wash over the world, and all shall know My Word, and none will reign as prophet above another. The Sons of Horen shall walk the Seven Skies.” (Gospel 7:58-62)


    I charge the Lendians with falling prey to that ancient enemy of Canonism: the silent introduction of folkloric and foreign ways into true faith. As it is written in the Gospel, wicked Iblees is known for this crime “In the kingdoms of Malin, Krug, and Urguan, he shaped false faiths. In the kingdoms of Horen, he mingled strange and corrupt practices with the wisdom of holy men.” (Gospel 5:33-34) Moreso, Lendianism is most prevalent amongst Highlanders--the descendants of the Kingdom of Edel under Joren, of whom Exalted Owyn wrote “The Lord is the Lord GOD without peer, but you have failed in your defense of His word. Indeed, your own brothers mingle the word of lesser beings among His, and lapse in His commands for favor of new and foreign ways.” (Spirit 2:6-7) Thus we encourage those Highlander adherents of the Lendian heresy to learn from the mistakes of their great ancestors.


    Accordingly, and with sorrow for those piously misguided individuals who have fallen to Lendianism, I find it necessary to declare the doctrines of Iovanos and Ioranija to be heretical and anathema. I have been given the authority from the High Pontiff James II himself to excommunicate all that embrace these false beliefs, though I pray to GOD that I will not need to use this authority and can correct  any that have been led astray. 


    Finally, in the spirit of peaceful reconciliation, I will remind those who would reject this declaration of another tale from the Holy Scrolls: the consecration of  James I, as High Priest and Pontifex under Exalted Godfrey.

    • And there was peace and holiness, for the priests had returned from long persecution and spoke the Word of GOD in temples and courts. But they were quarrelsome, for they had no lords, and they brought great confusion into Godfrey’s kingdom with their divisions. So Godfrey called the priests of the Lord together, and bade them to agree upon rites and hymns that all men should use. But the priests argued, and cried out about their wisdom and their love of the Lord. They could come to no decision, for many had lived in strange lands and loved their ways. So Godfrey said that none should leave until they had come to accord. For seven days and seven nights, the priests of the Lord quarreled and prayed, but could not agree. Finally, the Lord’s servant James came before them, and spoke ‘O elders, the Lord has sent us a prophet after one thousand years of Silence. If we cannot serve the prophet of the Lord, we serve Iblees.’ And the priests were humbled, and Godfrey saw that James was good and pious. So Godfrey raised the horn and laurel, and said unto James ‘O James, pious son of the Lord, I have seen the glory of God in your heart and His word on your tongue. You will be my high priest, as in the days of Evaristus and Clement. I name you pontifex, for you are a builder of bridges.’” (Gospel 6:48-61)


    In nomine Patris,

    Bishop Anton










    How Pure is man?


    In the beginning, GOD created the world as a grand and majestic play that we mortals participate in, though there is no script. The inhabitants of the world were given the Holy Scrolls as a rulebook, but whether or not they follow the teachings of the Holy Scrolls is up to them. This theater is a test for us, the actors, a test to see if we can resist the temptation of sin and keep true to our most purest form. GOD blew existence into the hollow shell of Man and the Man lived, this proves that we each possess a small part of GOD. GOD took man and put him in Aegis. These humans roamed the world and admired it’s beauty in silence, they were pure. But as time went, Iblees corrupted the humans and they were not able to hold onto the gift of purity. Subverting themselves to sin.


    Sin is the attribute of Iblees. Those that accept it, are corrupted to their very core, it takes away the purity of a human. Sin is a constant threat, a reminder of our mortality, a reminder of the fact that we are only existing by the mercy of GOD. This realization drives pious men to achieve the highest degree of purity that they can in their mortal life, but alas, a corrupted man will never be able to rid himself of sin in his mortal shell. As Father of all men, he gave us existence, and we men repay Him by falling to sin. Though in his forgiving nature, He still loves us. Because after our soul leaves our mortal shell, we are capable of redeeming ourselves and subverting to our original Pure form.


    When our soul leaves our body in death, our soul is brought before GOD where he makes a judgement. Here He weighs our sins and the good in our lives, if the sins outweigh the good, we will be sent to the cold Void to be punished by Iblees. If the good outweighs the sin and if we repent for our sins , we are let into the Seven Skies. This makes life a tragic trial, where those that strive for purity in their human form will never achieve such. A crucial part of purity is death, though this is very hard for any mortal grasp and make peace with, even for me. In life, man must strive for purity and to minimize sin, for when this is done, man shall reap his rewards in the Seven Skies.



  5. Mike starts to imagine an orchestra, humming the rythm as he starts to write his poetry .




    Got damn I'm glad y'all set it off

    Used to be hard now you're just wet and soft

    First, you was down with the OK


    And now I see you as an idiot with Margrave?

    Lookin' like straight bozos

    I saw it comin' that's why we went solo

    And kept on stompin'

    When y'all motherfuckers moved straight outta Reza


    Livin' with the Chevs one big house

    And not another peasant in site

    I started off with too much cargo

    Dropped all Korts now I'm makin' all the dough

    Markus just rulin'

    The Korts with titles, who ya foolin'?

    Y'all Korts just phony

    I put that on my mama and my dead homeys


    Otto Boy's on your team, so you're losin'

    Ay yo Kort, stick to usurpin’'

    Callin' me traitor, but you Been-a-****

    Rodrik saw your ass and went in it quick

    You got jealous when I got my own piracy

    But I'm a man, and ain't nobody helpin' me

    Tryin' to sound like Reza's Most

    You could yell all day but you don't come close


    'Cause you know I'm the one that flown

    Ya done run 100 miles, but you still got one to go

    With Doomsday, you’ll dismay to be in our highway

    'Cause peasants gettin' fucked out of their gold by a Kort boy

    With no Vaseline




    The bigger the Kort, the bigger the peelin'

    Who gives a **** about a punk-ass villain?

    You're gettin' fucked real quick

    And Rodrik's ****, is smellin' like Markus ****

    Tried to tell you a year ago

    But Dixie told me to let a hoe be a hoe, so

    I couldn't stop you from gettin' ganked

    Now let's play big-gang-take-little-gang


    Tried to diss Blackhill, it wasn't worth it

    'Cause the broomstick fit your ass so perfect

    Cut my head and I'll cut them balls

    'Cause I heard you're, givin' up to Alimars

    Gang-banged by your Palatine, fella

    Gettin' gold out your ass, like a motherfuckin' Ready Teller

    Givin' up the golden minas

    Now they got the Villain with a purse with the high dwellers

    So don't believe what Kort say

    'Cause he's goin' out in Reap Day

    But I got a whip for ya Korty

    Used to be my homey, now you act like you don't know me


    It's a case of divide-and-conquer

    'Cause you let your viebreak up my crew

    House Kort gotta run and hide

    Yellin' Reza, but you moved to Rubernside

    So don't front, Markus, 'cause I remember when you rode a 9 horse

    Broke as a mothafuckin' joke

    Let you on the scene to back up the Jerk Team


    It ain't my fault, one Kort got smart

    And they rippin' your ******* apart

    By takin' your gold, oh yeah

    The Villain does get fucked with no Vaseline


    I never have dinner with the King

    I never have dinner with the King

     I never have dinner with the King


    And when I see your ass again, you’ll be my plaything

     Now I think you a snitch

     Throw House Kort in a ditch

     Half-pint *****, fuckin' your homeboys


    You little maggot, Markus turned ******

     With your Kovachev fella

     Fuckin' Barclay, Ruthern, and their yellas

     But if they were smart as me

     Markus would be hangin' from a tree

     With no Vaseline, just a match and a little bit of gasoline

     Light 'em up, burn 'em up, flame on

     Till that greedy **** is gone


    On a permanent vacation, off to Helena station

     Heard you Korts got the same Kovachevs around

     Dumb Korts, what you thinkin' bout?

     Get rid of that Kort real simple, put a bolt in his temple

     'Cause you can't be the Humble 4 Life crew

     With a greedy Kort tellin' you what to do

     Pullin' golds with his scams, now I gotta play the Silence of the Lambs

     With Chev who's a punk too


    Tryin' to **** me, but I'd rather **** you

     Mikael Chev, punk, always into somethin', gettin' fucked at night

     By Mista Shitpacker, bend over for the goddamn Kort, with no vaseline







    The creation of the world, chronicled by the scholarly Karamanoğlu


    Kashgarism is the loosely amalgamated pantheon that stems from many individual religions followed by neo-Turkic tribes. It stands as a polytheistic religion with strong aspects of ancestral worship, shamanism and morality.



    A depiction of Kasghar, ‘The one from Above’, giving life to the Tree of Life. 




    Once the world was but a tree upon which Kashgar, in the form of a beautiful white goose, rested. Beneath him, was the void that stretched infinitely across the cosmic planes. Even though Kargash had the comforts of eternal harmony, with a space wherein he could spread his wings as he pleased, he felt lonely in his thousands of years of existence. 


    Thus, he held his tree with his grotesque beeks, spreading his cosmic energy into the tree: giving it a conscience. The tree would now speak to Kashgar., wielding her own given name of Eje. Having the same cosmic energy flow through their veins, Kashgar & Eje could both create life from their own energy. 


    Kashgar wished that his harmonious bond of energy could be felt anywhere in his infinite universe, shaping lesser versions of him to accompany him on his flights. Eje, who was immobile, became tormented by her periodic loneliness. She wanted to be closer to Kashgar, wherever he went. Thus, she expanded her roots to stretch a thousand realms: artistically terraforming herself to entertain Kashgar and his children as they flew over.  



    The entourage of Kashgar, made up by his offspring. 


    For if they wished to feel cold they could bathe into Eje’s waters, if they sought heat they could venture to her deserts. As the offspring of Kashgar grew, so did the diversity of Eje’s many roots. By this time, Kashgar had made two sons and a daughter known as İyeler: a collective name for all the spirits and celestial beings that were shaped by Kargash and his offspring, excluding ancestral spirits and forefathers.


    Güneş, made in his own image, was the original İyeler. His pure and strong energy made him a radiant being, embracing his kin with his pure heat wherever he flew.


    Ay, made in the image of Eje, was his second born. She would be the mirror to Güneş’ divine energy, as Eje was to Kashgar.


    Erklik was the third born to Kashgar. He would fly below Kargash, Güneş & Ay.


    The conscience and autonomy of Kashgar’s offspring caused them to develop their own traits, desires and sentiments towards Kashgar. While the cosmic realm was in harmony, Erklik became frustrated with his lack of purpose. He spoke to his father: 


    “Why can I not radiate like Güneş, or be his mirror like Ay? Why am I below you, for I am the same as you?” to which Kargash responded “My son, you still fly above Eje’s roots, separating you from our realm and that of the void below us. Are you not grateful my son, for letting you fly where the light shines and Eje’s roots grow?”.


    Erklik felt rejected by his father regardless, unhappy that he was below them every time they flew. Thus, he created new İyeler to fly above himself. The embodiment of his spirits wouldn’t have wings, but legs, crawling beneath Erklik wherever he went. Kashgar found such dishonor a threat to the harmony of his realm, demanding Erklik to give his İyeler wings so that they could fly with him. Erklik refused, becoming The Original Rebel.


    Kashgar broke off his celestial connection to his son: pushing him through Eje’s roots towards the void, and sealing the hole behind him. Though the void always demanded energy from whatever fell in it, this time it did not. It let Erklik fly below Eje’s roots for all of eternity. 


    Above the void, Erklik shaped a realm in his own view: spawning many İyeler in his image. Though the energy from the void corrupted this image through time, rendering their sentiments and conscience less harmonious as the years passed.


    Karash Han, his firstborn, became the deity of plots and conspiracy. Shaped in the image of the Original Rebel, who through time turned from a Goose to a green serpentine.


    Komur Han, his second born, became the deity of dominance and subjugation. Shaped by the pain that Erklik felt for being cast out of his father’s realm. Usually depicted as a man, wielding a baton in one hand and chains in the other.


    Uchar Han, the deity of informants and spies. Shaped by Erklik’s many attempts to breach Eje’s roots and return to the realm. Turned from a Goose to a fox, and occasionally a rat. 


    Matyr Han, the deity of bravery, selfishness and arrogance. Turned from a Goose to a lion.


    Temir Han, the deity of ambition, revolution and greed. Usually depicted as a  man, but one with a bare chest. 


    Matoch Han, the deity of the marginalized and ostracized, the cursed and the abandoned. Usually depicted as a prostitute. 


    Kerey Han, the deity of decadence, seduction and perversion. Originally depicted as a man in a dress, but modern renditions show a man wearing Helenian clothing. 


    As Erklik and his İyeler sought to break Eje’s physical barrier below, Kashgar anticipated their future offensive from above. Diversifying his own İyeler to wield different powers, grades of energy and purposes in his realm. So there came to be the Savunna:


    Andar or ‘The king born from fire’: king of fire and purity. Fire can cleanse even souls and spirits. Every hearth has a protector spirit sent from Andar, who is a dual deity that can purify whilst also being destructive. He is often depicted as a dragon


    Kyrzhaghan, The warmonger and warrior spirit. Provides fighting men with vigor and bravery. Patron deity of the military. Depicted as a bannerman on horseback.


    Umuyash, The mother, deity of beauty, fertility and children. Depicted as an elephant most of the time


    Koy Ata, The moon, watcher of the night and protector of all Erklik’s kin.


    Gun Ana, The sun, watcher of the day and closest deity to humans.


    Yel Ata, God of the north, east,west and south.Depicted as a giant that often holds a compass in one hand while pointing to the stars with the other


    Yel Ana, Goddess of the northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. Often portrayed with Yel Ata as a woman holding a map


    Su’na, Deity of water and guardian of all aquatic animals, often portrayed as a stream of water


    Etugen, Patron of the ground, crops and trees. Portrayed as a tree. 


    Izıh, Spirit of wild and freed animals. Portrayed as an owl


    Shalyk, Spirit of the hunters, often portrayed as a well-built man with a bow in one hand and a dog on a leech in the other


    Zarlık, Goddess of law and justice, patron of lawyers/magistrates. Portrayed as a woman with a scale in her hand, perfectly in balance


    These are the main Savunna, countless others exist and are worshipped by humans everywhere.



    Kashgar’s parliament of İyeler


    In this great diversification, he gave Erklik’s crawlers a new purpose as well, for he felt sympathy for such unmajestic creatures that eternally had to look up to others. If a crawling beast earned an honorable life, he would be able to stand up on two feet like the Geese and their thousands of renditions. Even though they would not fly: they would be above the crawlers who chose dishonor and decadence instead. From these honorable crawlers, came the modern man, who was welcomed in Kashgar’s parliament. 


    But Kashgar, his offspring and his new mankind had underestimated the power of the void, for the void gave Erklik enough energy to break through Eje’s roots. Thus, his İyeler faced against Kashgar’s, and The First Conflict commenced.



    İyeler versus İyeler in The First Conflict


    The First Conflict was won by Kashgar’s İyeler, but at a large cost. Banishing Erklik and his followers back into the void required so much energy from the realm: that it had almost depleted Eje & Kashgar himself. It would mean that all life, except for Kashgar’s dearest, would no longer live eternally.


    Everything that lived on Eje’s realm now had a timetable in which they had to create offspring to make their celestial presence continuous. This changed the way that all lived, and created the cycles, seasons and obstacles that life faces today. 




    When a İyeler or his offspring dies, he faces judgment by Kashgar. Not all souls can be preserved in Kashgar’s parliament due to the limited amount of cosmic energy that his realm has. If one had lived honorably, Kashgar would embrace the soil with his claws and fly him to his realm above Eje. If one had lived dishonorably, he would be consumed and be defecated into the realm below: the realm of Erklik





    Those honored by Kashgar will live near Güneş and Ay, in a realm with enough food for all and under the perfect temperature. Those who deserve their soul to eternally reside in his realm, must have lived with: the valor of the brave, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good and the words of the wise.


    Souls that reside in this realm are considered White Souls, and their counsel to those in the mortal realm are of good nature. Mortals that follow their counsel can count that they are performings acts that Kashgar judges positively. 





    Those that are unfit to join Kashgar and the other White Souls in Uçmah but still were created upon leaving the mortal realm, are defecated by Kashgar into Tamuk, where Erklik and gets enjoyment out of the torture of the sinners. Tamuk is described as a hellish environment, where demonic entities and evil spirits roam free. Searching for souls they can torment. When their will is broken, they are handed to Erklik himself and are distributed to serve under one of Erklik’s kin


    Souls that reside in Erklik’s realm are considered Black Souls, and their counsel to those in the mortal realm are of evil nature. If a Black Soul convinces a mortal to follow its counsel, it will be rewarded by Erklik either through liberation or less torture. 


    Böö mörgöl


    To listen to the wise words of the İyeler and make it comprehensible in the tongue of the humans, there are the Böö Nar. A Böö is a highly respected person of the community that specializes in the communication between the İyeler and humans. A variety of rituals are available to the Böö to invoke the İyeler. Böö Nar are the only people that can communicate with the spirits, to that rule there is only one exception. 


    When a child reaches the age of 11, they are to communicate with their ancestors for the only time in their lives, if they do not become Böö Nar later in life. Various ritualistic leaves, herbs and potions are taken in. After this the child will be able to talk with their ancestors, which will most of the time give them advice. Not every soul is strong enough to hear the words of their ancestors, a child may refuse to listen to their ancestors. For a child to do this, is frowned upon.


    A Böö may dedicate himself to one of the İyeler or to a wider group, like Erklik’s kin or perhaps the spirits of nature. It is favourable for the khamgiin tom Böö to be neutral in terms of worship. Even if a spirit is not worshipped by a certain Böö, that Böö will still be able to communicate with the spirit, be it in a friendly or a hostile manner.


    A person that wants to become a Böö, is to seek out an already active Böö.The initiate shall take various ailments that will make the initiate more resistant to pain. Then, a non-lethal wound shall be inflicted to him, until he bleeds enough for his spirit to leave his body for a small amount of time. The initiate shall venture into Erklik’s abyss from there, uncovering all sorts of cruelties and hidden wisdoms on his way there. The initiate shall be halted by Kurmez, who will decide if the initiate is worthy of becoming a Böö. If he decides against it, then the initiate’s ferry, which was Kurmez shall bring his soul back to his mortal body. If however, Kurmez sees the initiate is strong enough, then he shall let him pass into Erklik’s chambers. There he will see Erklik himself. A conversation with Erklik and his Han shall ensue, the contents of which shall be never outspoken by the Böö until his soul passes. Kurmez shall bring the initiate all the way up to Uçmah itself. There, another conversation with Kashgar and his loyal kin shall ensue. From there, Kurmez shall bring the initiate back to his mortal flesh. When the Initiate awakens, he shall be questioned by the Böö, if he was allowed to converse with Erklik and Kashgar, then a new Böö was brought upon the earth, if not, then the initiate shall be healed and be excluded from becoming a Böö.





  7. Bogdan  would salute Mikhail's grave with a tear in his eye. He bowed his head down to say a quick prayer for his fallen friend before pulling out a bottle of Carrion Black out of his satchel. He poured half of the contents the ground, drinking up the rest. “Old man left us too soon” : he'd say shaking his head. After another quiet moment, he turned on his heel and slowly marched off

  8. On 8/7/2019 at 9:35 PM, MadOne said:



    8 minutes ago, MadOne said:

    "I'on know fam dis wasn't da established leadership that let dem magic peepulz take over and enslave us so Ion know why y'all wishin' my guy to abdicate." Dixie would say with a simple shrug as he ate a piece of cow that he "liberated" from farms.


    *Mike grabs a whole ribcage from the cow, chomping it raw “Man shiet dem oldheads should let us rule and shiet. We gon make our homies from Vira’ real kangz again

  9. ‘Man shiet, even dem magick peepulzz realize they guard ain’t do nothing’ Mike said after wasting half an hour deciphering the simple letters ‘Dem magick peepulz also done stupid as hell. They think sitting on the square with masks and shiet gon help?’ He scoffed ‘If only da skygodzz didn’t done fucked up with our ability to shank fools and shiet’ he said disgruntled and sheaking his head. Dropping the note on the ground

  10. Mike glanced at Dixie and took a hit, he pushed his leg of the table “You a pig mandem, grandmama made up the table for us for ****'s sake” he shook his head after, thinking of the war “Dem Phoenix bruvs ain’t nuffink compared to big balls empire and shiet”


  11. Bruh

    19 minutes ago, Kaelan said:

    They were appealed two weeks after they were issued as directed after some discussion? lol

    It’s been a week since i stepped down bud


    Anyways, interesting to see what comes of this if anything 

    You still gave a relatively new player with no previous infractions a cb of 2 months for ‘copy and pasting while committing banditry’. Glad you resigned.

  12. 2 hours ago, Kaelan said:

    No problem!


    Though as I think your grudge lies with the Trende blacklist, that was actually a blacklist voted on by the team and pushed for by the administration. I just pulled the trigger and took the heat for it. So don’t expect that to change with me gone from the team. 

    And uhh, Erilobar? The guy that was only on the server for a month and got cb’d by YOU. Also Kana and Mickhaelz for 2 months. Literally no one agreed with you on those cb’s. Pun reversed them when you resigned.

  13. Mike swallows the squirrel whole (no homo) and takes a hit from the joint of cactus green being passed around. He shows his C to Dixie and said “ Jest like always bruvs. We da kongz and queenz and that’s why them Elves and Valah jealuzz. We da real kangz and they kno, that’z why them magick peepul always make us bend da kneez”. He shook his hands furiously as he said this

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