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Everything posted by Zion_Under_Pressure

  1. for the parts that got cut off with power gaming and metagaming. What is Metagaming?: This is when your character uses or refers to information that there is no way they'd know. Ex: One of your characters is just a poor peasant and yet is aware of a coup forming that most other players have heard nothing about because you have another character who is involved in the plot to start the coup. What is Powergaming?: When you try to force an outcome on another player’s character OR your character is unrealistically strong or proficient in a certain skill. Ex: "Bill pierces Bob's heart with his arrow" OR Bill is just a farmer with no background in magic and yet can he can summon the dead somehow.
  2. Zion_Under_Pressure


    Vellia grew up primarily around dark elves and was never really exposed to any other races or cultures. Due to this, her small clan was her whole world, and she always tried to be an honorable individual within it. She always wanted to be obedient to her patriarch and her elders and often revered the older members of her clan. One of the people she admired the most was her own father, a well-respected blacksmith know for his craftsmanship with blades. She often watched her father while he was at work and at times helped out in the forge. At around the age of 48, disaster had struck her clan. A disagreement over whether or not to retaliate to an outsider attack by between some of the elders and the current patriarch began to boil over. The Elders insisted that the members of the clan not make any counter actions and, instead, focus on defense in order to prevent future attacks. The Patriarch and those who supported him however vehemently disagreed, stating they must react in order to demonstrate the strength of the family and their unwillingness to be bullied by outsiders. This led to a great schism within the clan. Over the years the conflict grew worse, leading to the weakening and ultimate destruction of the clan due to its ununified state allowing for easy exploitation by others. By the time Vellia reached the age of 52, she had watched her people leave and disperse, her land stolen by opportunistic outsiders, and her role-models become jaded and hateful. Vellia and her parents then left for the Federation Sutica in order to establish a new home and lively hood. While living in Sutica she never fully adjusted to living amongst so many unfamiliar peoples. She became distrustful of those who were strange to her, and due to a few unpleasant interactions with some high elves who saw themselves as superior to her and her dark elf kin, she developed and especially strong animosity for High Elves. Due to her suspicion of others, her trust is hard to gain and easy to lose. While in Sutica though, she did find comfort in helping her dad run his new forge and practicing her blade mastery with her mom. Vellia also loved to listen to legends and stories that were significant to her culture, such as ones about famous ancestors like Delilah the mother or Lenden the Joyful. Once Vellia had turned 60, she left Sutica in order to find adventure, a job, and, most importantly to her, a new home. Soon after leaving Sutica she decided to make money doing odd gathering jobs, mostly simple hunting. Recently, Vellia learned of the city of Vira’ker and decided to visit it and, maybe, settle in the area. She hopes to either become a Merchant, Jeweler, or a Blacksmith (due to her dad’s influence).
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