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Everything posted by real_Wagner

  1. The update has been pretty good for selling plants on the AH and to dumb people and making bank, thx for that
  2. real_Wagner


    Hotimir saw Arcas for he first time as a young human boy, a Heartlander, arriving to this land with his parents in the mass migration from Atlas. Witnessing this vast new world sparked a sense of wanderlust in the young boys eyes that would stay with him forever. The family continued their lives in one of the more urban and modern cities which helped form the young Hotimirs veiw on the world and its residents. Hotimir, being a bit of a coward was never much for fighting. His father working an administrative position and his mother being a housewife, he spent most of his time outside playing with other kids or at home, reading, showing interest in his fathers activities. This convinced his father to start home schooling his son. He knew he was never gonna be much of a fighter, so he wanted to prepare him for life in other ways. Thus Hotimir because interested in literature, cartography, money mangement and even arts, which he knew he was not good at, but learnt to admire. A loving household helped Hotimir grow up without getting into any serious trouble apart from some mischevious pranks he pulled of with his friends as a youngster, because of this he views the law as a good thing, made to help the people. While Hotimirs life in the city was in no way bad that sense of wanderlust kept growing stronger and stronger each year until finally at the age of 19 he decided hes had enough of comfortable, yet suffocating, city living. He wanted to see new things, unimaginable things, meet new people, experience new cultures, and he wasnt going to get this living his entire life in one place. He explained this desire to his parents who understood his decision, although sad, knowing that their son will soon leave. He settled his afairs and went of on a journey without a real goal. He was still on his journey, when news of a great big war reached him, not wanting to get involved he decided to wait it out on the outskirts of the realm, exploring and doing oddjobs to get by. Now finally, that rumors of the war ending have reached him, he has decided to return and start a more stable life for himself, hoping to put all of his knowledge to good use.
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